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13. Translate into Russian.

1. The discussion appears to have been friendly and fruitful. 2. He seems to be sincere but I don’t completely trust him. 3. To our surprise the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mother’s. 4. If you happen to find it, please let me know. 5. He seems to be satisfied to be doing nothing. 6. His private life is unlikely to have any bearing on his competence as a manager. 7. His decision proved to be a good one. 8. Knowing Jim, he is bound to be late.

14. Paraphrase using the Complex Subject.

Model: T – It seems that money doesn’t make us happy.

St – Money doesn’t seem to make us happy.

15. Answer the questions using the Complex Subject + to seem, to appear, to turn out, to prove, to happen.

Model: T – Why did Steve give up his job? (dull and uninteresting)

St – It turned out to be dull and uninteresting.

1. cruel and narrow-minded; 2. to have a frightful temper; 3. to be out; to call; 4. to come across; on the way to...; 5. to be well-qualified and experienced; 6. to change one’s mind; 7. to work at one’s report; 8. to mention it again

16. Answer the teacher’s questions and add sentences logically connected.

Model: T – Does my departure upset your plans.

It seems to. I expected you to drive me to town.

St –

  • It doesn’t seem to. You can do as you like.

17. Paraphrase using the Complex Subject + to be (un)likely/certain/sure/ bound.

Model: T – I will probably be late home tonight.

St – I am likely to be late home tonight.

18. Answer the teacher’s questions and explain why you think so. Home activities (3)

19. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Infinitive.

1. There appears _____________ (to be) a mistake over the numbers in your yesterday’s report. 2. The building appears ________________ (to use) as a hospital during the war. 3. There appears ______________ (to be) very little we can do about it. 4. She seems ___________________ (to change) her mind. 5. The storm turned out ___________________ (to miss) Florida. 6. His statement turned out _____________ (to be) false. 7. William’s words seemed ___________________ (to calm) her down a little. 8. She is bound ________________ (to find out) the truth sooner or later. 9. George’s overseas voyage seems ________________ (to help) him come to terms with some dark facts about his roots. 10. In the past two years Debbie seems ________________________ (to do one’s utmost) to realize her full potential as a scholar.

20. Translate into English.

1. Похоже, что он весь семестр болтался по университету и ничего не делал. 2. – Эдна, кажется, чересчур озабочена приобретением предметов роскоши, правда? – Да, похоже, что она становится все более и более склонной к стяжательству. 3. – Почему бы тебе опять не поехать на Ближний Восток? – Моя недавняя поездка оказалась очень изматывающей. 4. С точки зрения психологии его поведение кажется естественным для подростка. 5. В отличие от своих сверстников, Фред очень трудолюбив и предприимчив (enterprising). Он обязательно сделает карьеру в бизнесе. 6. Если вы будете придавать слишком большое значение карьерному росту (career making), вы, скорее всего, лишите себя многих радостей жизни. 7. Вряд ли Юлия упустила возможность опубликовать аналитическую статью о проблеме отцов и детей в журнале «Итоги».

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