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Home activities (6)

39. Translate into English. 

1. Несмотря на то, что родственники считали Джессику и Тома идеальной парой, их отношения распались. 2. Руководство фирмы стремится держать ситуацию под контролем. 3. Вокруг премьер-министра стояли сотрудники службы безопасности. 4. Полицейский инспектор пришел к выводу, что кража была совершена одним из членов семьи. 5. Резолюция Совета Безопасности ООН направлена на защиту окружающей среды. 6. Неожиданно Стелле пришло в голову, что она ничего не знает о семье и происхождении своего нового приятеля. 7. Опыт работы в полиции помог Дженни писать детективные романы. 8. Известно, что Чосер родился в семье торговца вином. 9. Дугласа считали талантливым архитектором, и никто не ожидал, что он окажется безработным и брошенным своей семьей. 10. В идеале все люди должны иметь доступ к бесплатному здравоохранению и образованию.

40. Read the text Brave New World and get ready to answer the questions (see exercise 45).

Step IV

Classroom activities (7)


41. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary of the unit.

1. All our friends and relatives came to our wedding. 2. It’s just a casual affair; I don’t want it to get serious. 3. After that incident we broke off all contacts with their company. 4. They are working together in order to achieve a common goal. 5. The Pilgrim Fathers sailed to the New World in search of religious freedom. 6. All-embracing changes in climate are expected to affect every country of the world. 7. She has achieved a great deal in the last few weeks. 8. She mentioned the subject several times during her speech. 9. What are you going to do about this? 10. It’s a little too early to talk about concluding a deal. 11. The playwright’s untimely death at the age of 29 was a great loss to English literature. 12. Although Deborah had a wild social life she had one or two close friends. 13. Upon his retirement, Greg wanted to work somewhere where he could serve society. 14. Catherine felt great sympathy for the sufferings of the sick children. 15. They were taken to the local hospital to be given medical care after the road accident. 16. It suddenly came to her mind that the child was afraid of being alone. 17. Unfortunately, computer errors are a frequent thing. 18. Police said that the accident happened at 9.25 a.m. 19. Visitors over the age of 60 can buy entrance tickets at a great discount. 20. Overuse of antibiotics may help to develop the spread of drug-resistant bacteria. 21. Senior citizens are likely to suffer from this disease. 22. This cold is really making me less active. 23. I’d like to finish the meeting soon. 24. I’ve read this book so often, it’s falling into pieces. 25. After three miles the Laura got tired and started moving more slowly than the other hikers. 26. I’m going to get this place completely clean and tidy.

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