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9.Some useful words and phrases:

  1. smarts and methods to oppose age – хитрі прийоми для того, щоб обдурити вік

  2. to peel off the calendar years – скинути роки

  3. shopping at off the radar, funky boutiques – робити покупки в невідомих, простих і грунтовних бутіках

  4. skin slackens – шкіра обвисає

  5. sensible upkeep – належний догляд

  6. modern outlook – сучасний вигляд

  7. to get round the age – обманути вік

  8. ultra-low hipsters - понад низькі хипстери ( чоловічі або жіночі брюки в обтягування, які починаються нижче за лінію талії)

  9. common sense – здоровий глузд

  10. exposed flesh – оголена частина тіла

  11. teenybopper – хіпуючий підліток

  12. roll-neck sweater – водолазка

  13. Upgrade cute to cool – зроби так, щоб чарівне виглядало кльовим

  14. Be daring, but not inadequate – будь зухвалою, але не будь неадекватною

  15. sophisticated витончений

  16. fast fashion cheapie fixes – дешеві комплекти швидко проходячої моди

  17. to simplify – спрощувати

  18. to imprint a look – надавати вигляду

  19. what’s worth bragging about – чим можна похвалитися

ТЕКСТ С. Image-boosting advice to rock your world!

Dear Sharon: Help!

I feel invisible, yet people tell me I am attractive. I just don't look the way I would like. What tips do you have for appearing beautiful? –Casper

Dear Casper:

My poor self-pitying princess, look in the mirror and declare that you are beautiful! Grab the nearest dumpster. Fill it the brim with all your self-deprecating debris. Roll the over-stuffed canister of incredulousness down the steepest hill. Inhale. Let the demons go… Then, sweet sister of style, take stock of your physical strengths: I am sure there are many.

Physical beauty is subjective - what is stupendous to one person is hideous to the next. You must be pleasing to yourself. Some of the most amazing looking women are so self-doubting that they coil into oblivion. Conversely, some modest looking women have such tremendous self-confidence and poise that they are perceived as extraordinary.  Self-confidence is all in how you carry yourself. Hollywood legend has it that Marilyn Monroe would virtually be unnoticed when walking down a street with a friend. Then, Marilyn would ask, "Do you want to see her?"  Off went mama mia Monroe's glasses. On came the Marilyn walk. What happened next? Cars came to a screeching halt. Only now did she transform into Marilyn the Goddess?I have met and worked with many celebrities who were completely indistinct and introverted until they put "it" on - and, wow! That sweet cakes, is charisma. And, this magical "something" is the most powerful form of allure that anyone can possess. You don't have to wiggle like Marilyn, or have a camera focused on your face to beguile, but you do have to radiate inner beauty to hold the spotlight. Discover self-admiration. Feel praiseworthy about yourself. Glow!!! No amount of gorgeous clothes in your closet will turn you into a beauty… you must believe that you are beautiful - inside and out - to truly be a knock-out. But, proper clothing will aid to outwardly boost your inner security. Clothing also helps elevate self-esteem. Fashion is one of the few quick-change pleasures you can experience. When you are wearing clothing that fits correctly, emphasizes figure strengths, and camouflages figure weaknesses, you feel more secure about yourself. Learn to concur those old insecure body image demons that nest inside of you by looking terrific. It is very true that when you are confident about your attractiveness, you send out a positive exuberance so daily tasks seem to become easier. Accept the imperfections of your body and make the most of what you have. Present an exquisite spectacle of yourself for the world to admire. Enjoy life!