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Glorious Revolution

After the death of Charles II in 1685, the crown was succeeded by his brother James. James, who wanted to restore the positions of Catholics in England, continued the policy of friendship with France.

To encourage the spread of Roman Catholicism, James issued two Declarations of Indulgence. These declarations supported Catholic Church and had to be spread in churches and universities. National movement against the declarations began when James II alienated the Church and universities. Many members of Parliament resented his deeds.

The birth of James IPs son made many people afraid that the next King would also support Catholics and threaten the Established Church. The Whigs, the Church and many Tories issued a joint Invitation to the Protestant ruler of Holland William of Orange and his wife Mary to restore English liberties and take the English Crown. Mary was the daughter of James II and William was his nephew. His claim for English throne was a reasonable one if connected with Mary's.

In November 1688, William of Orange with his army landed in Devonshire and marched towards London. English towns, one by one, declared for the Prince. James II vanished from England with his son and on the day of his departure the Lords came to see the Prince. They resolved that the throne was vacant because the conduct of James II was inconsistent with Protestant England. In January 1689, Prince and Princess of Orange were proclaimed King and Queen. Protestant religion was established.

In 1689, the King signed the Bill of Rights, which established the basic principles of the English Constitution:

  • taxes to be levied by the Parliament only;

  • the questions of prime importance to be decided by the Parliament, not by the King;

  • the liberty of speech in Parliament.

By Parliamentary Act of 1689 Protestants were relieved from oppression, while Catholics were barred to occupy government posts or teach at Universities.

All these events got the name of "Glorious" (or bloodless) Revolution — the Stuart dynasty remained in power though this power was greatly limited by the Parliament.

Task 4. The Bill of Rights in 1689 became a major legal step towards constitutional monarchy in Britain. Speak about different forms of government that led to the development of the constitutional monarchy in Britain using the table.


Form of Government




Great Council


Parliament House of Lords/House of Commons

William III

The reign of William III was marked by continuous struggle with France and Ireland. In 1690, an English and Dutch army led by William met an Irish and French army led by former English King James. The reason for fighting was the wish of the Irish Catholics to restore James. The battle ended with the victory of William that was of great importance for the English Revolution but of great sorrow for Ireland. Irish Parliament was reduced and Irish Catholics lost every human right, including the right to education.

William Ill's foreign policy aimed at preventing French aggression led to the Nine Years War between France and Grand Alliance (1690—1697) of England, Holland, Austria, Spain and Savoy. The end of the war was inconclusive, though some important changes occurred — the Bank of England was founded to finance the struggle by loans and the Cabinet Government system was started.

King William III died in 1702, eight years after the death of his wife, Queen Mary. In English history he is known as a fighter against French aggression, whose foreign policy promoted peace in Europe for a decade after his death.

William III was succeeded by Anne, the second daughter of James II. She was a weak-minded woman, entirely guided by her friend Lady Marlborough. She was a submissive and obedient monarch under whom the main features of Constitutional monarchy were shaped in England. As Anne died childless, she was succeeded by George of Hanover. So the Stuart dynasty was replaced by the Hanoverians.

Task 5. Monarchs from the House of Stuart had traits that made them recognisable in the popular history. Match the traits of the monarchs to their names.

The House of Stuart

1. James I

a) let shape the main features of Constitutional monarchy

2. Charles I

b) was invited to take the English Crown because of his Protestant views

3. Charles II

c) came to power after the Puritan revolution failed

4. James II

d) united the crowns of England and Scotland, introduced the name Great Britain

5. William III

e) was opposed for his support of Roman Catholics and had to leave Britain

6. Anne

f) was executed by English people as guilty of treason

Science and Culture in the 17lh Century

The 17th century was rich in political changes and cultural development. It was a century of John Locke, who contributed to economics, philosophy, and politics. The growth of natural science reflected hi the founding of the Royal Society (1660) that united scientists from different fields.

Royal Society united such scientists as Isaac Newton, who made great discoveries in Mathematics, Physics and Optics, William Petty, a well-known physician and many others. This scientific movement gave way to different changes in technology, which improved the life of English people and fastened industrial development.

English art and architecture were dominated by classicism, which became a symbol of wealth and influence.

After the Great Fire of London Christopher Wren became the author of rebuilt stone houses. Most well-known is St Paul's Cathedral, which is considered to be the finest Protestant Cathedral in the world.

English literature of the period is represented by John Milton, a brilliant poet and John Bunyan, the author of allegories of contemporary life.

The period of revolution was connected with severe Puritan restrictions, which affected cultural life — theatres were closed, different entertainments were banned. After the Restoration theatre reflected social events as it had never done before. Drama, opera and ballet experienced the influence of France and Italy.

Task 6. Finish the sentences.

  1. The trade companies had special rights to sell particular goods so ...

  1. James I was the first King of Great Britain because ...

  2. The country got the name Great Britain when ...

  1. Among the number of plots against James I the most famous is ...

  1. James I's opposition to Puritanism was the reason for ...

  2. The period of James I's reign was ...

  3. Charles I was opposed by Parliament because he ...

  1. Charles I reigned for 11 years without the Parliament and then summoned it because ...

  2. The Long Parliament took special measures to prevent King's tyranny — ...

  1. The open struggle between the King and Parliament started when ...

  2. The whole Britain divided into two opposite sides — ...

  3. The war between the Royalists and the Roundheads was lost by...

  4. Charles I was brought to trial for ...

  5. The Republic of Commonwealth was governed by ..., who ...

  6. Commonwealth stopped its existence because ...

  7. James II alienated the Church and universities because he ...

  8. William of Orange was invited to govern Britain because ...

  9. William's succession was called "Glorious Revolution" because ...

19. Anne let the main feature of Constitutional monarchy shape because ...

Task 7. Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the derivatives and complete the sentences.

1) congregate, congregation

a) gathered together in the church for worship and prayer.

b) A crowd around the entrance to the theatre hoping to catch

a glimpse of the stars of the show.

2) throne, dethrone

a) Elizabeth II ascended in 1952 — she came to the when her

father died.

b)The world champion was by a young challenger.

3) divine, divinity, divination

a) is saying what will happen in the future, you may do it by

different magical methods.

  1. Some fans seem to regard footballers as beings.

  2. You can't be a Christian and dispute of Jesus.

  3. She has a Doctorate in from York University.

4) deprive, deprivation, deprived

  1. There were food shortages and other during the civil war.

  2. They live in area of London, where people don't have necessary conditions for living.

  3. The dismissed Prime Minister was of all his rights.

5) grief, grieve, grievance

  1. He failed to get this position and his plans came to .

  2. Newspapers should not intrude in people's private .

  3. Workers' petition contained a list of .

  4. It me to see how selfish they've become.

6) dissolve, dissolution

  1. Parliament can't be by King's wish.

  2. They were depressed after their marriage was .

7) plot, plotter

  1. The army the overthrow of the government.

  2. He a surprise for his wife's birthday.

  3. All the people who made a secret were arrested.

Task 8. Historical consequences. Match two statements from columns A and B into a compound sentence with the conjunction "so".



1. James I united the Crowns of England and Scotland

a) the Crown was greatly opposed by Parliament

2. Charles I believed in the divine right of a monarch

b) after Cromwell's death social order was restored

3. The Protestant movement for purification of the Church continued

c) he was dismissed and the crown passed to William of Orange

4. The revolutionaries didn't find a wide support among gentry and common people

d) Great Britain appeared

5. James 11 wanted to improve the position of Catholics in Britain

e) the constitutional or parliamentary monarchy was established

6. William of Orange signed the Bill of Rights

f) the Parliament was divided into Anglicans and Puritans

Task 9. These are some important events of the Stuart period in England. Rank them in importance and explain your choice.

  1. The British Empire was started.

  2. English and Scottish Crowns were united.

  3. King was executed and republic was established.

  4. Habeas Corpus Act was passed to protect the interests of an individual.

  5. By the Bill of Rights the basic principles of Constitutional monarchy were established.

Chapter 3



Task 1. Brainstorming.

  1. Who is more important in British political life today — a monarch or a Prime Minister? Why?

  2. What type of government was established in the Stuart period?

  3. How did the Revolution affect the royal power?

Britain at the Beginning of the 18tb Century. Augustan Age

The 18th century became a century of wealth and fame for Britain, but also it was one of the most difficult centuries for British foreign policy because of numerous wars and battles. It was a century of colonial expansion and formation of the colonial empire, a century of great scientific discoveries, industrial innovations and industrial growth.

In foreign policy the 18th century became the time of another "Hundred Years War" against France — the chief commercial and political rival of England at that period.

There were seven great wars with short intervals of peace, in different parts of the world. These wars were carried by Britain with different allies, but against the same enemy — France. The wars lasted all through the 18th century, and only in the 19th century the long struggle finished with the battle of Waterloo in 1815. The victory in these wars was of primary importance for Britain, as it gave her new profitable markets overseas.

In 1702, the war with France began. It was later named "The War of the Spanish Succession" because French King Louis XIV wanted to put his heir on the Spanish throne (to succeed it). For Britain that meant French control of the Spanish colonies and complete loss of profitable trading sea routes. British Army was led by John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough, so in Britain the struggle got the name "Marlborough's wars".

An alliance with Austria, Holland and Sweden helped England to defeat Louis XIV and get an important strategic point — Gibraltar. The Treaty of Utrecht, signed by French and British sides in 1712, marked the end of the war, the victory of the English and stipulated their free trade with Spanish colonies.

This period was rather successful for Britain not in foreign policy only. At home different trades were flourishing, good crops and industrial growth made the period of Marlborough's wars quite calm and prosperous. The age of Queen Anne was not only a time of great victories, but also a period of flourishing English culture and literature, a period of such famous men of letters as Joseph Addison, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift and many others. This period is remembered as "Augustan Age" in England — the age of victories, prosperity and literature.

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