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Angmar history.doc
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Third Age

  1. The defeat of Sauron of Mordor weakens the Orcs of the Mountains, but the Swarthy Men don’t recover from the blow, and they remain few and scattered over a poor land. The Dwarves of the North slowly lower in number, as many move to Khazad-dûm, leaving the dangers of the North.

23 The Estaravi, a Northron people, come to the upper vales of Anduin, easily submitting the local Swarthy Men.

c. 100 Dùnadan armies submit the Swarthy Men south of the Southern Spur. They become known as Hillmen of Rhudaur. The Dùnedain don’t enter Angmar, considering it an unattractive land inhabited by scattered Wild Men.

  1. Gundabad falls to the armies of Balcog, who becomes new Ashburduk.

  2. Orcs invade Angmar, but this time they rather submit the Swarthy Men. Few and divided, they can not oppose effectively.

1270 A leader called the Dark Sorcerer appears among the Angmarim. Many Lords swear allegiance to him to spare their lands from the Orc-plundering.

  1. Redhall, whose size has already diminished through the last millennium, falls to an alliance of Orcs and Swarthy Men, thanks to the treachery of some of the latter. The Black Sorcerer is chosen King by his vassals, taking the name of Witch-king. The king of the Broadbeams is slain and his Ring is taken.

  1. The Witch-king finally submits the whole Angmar. Now his alliance with the Ashdurbûk is plain to all.

  1. The armies of the Witch-king invade and defeat the Estaravi, who submit to Angmar.

1286 Raids of Angmarim and Orcs into Forochel begin, to plunder and capture Lossadan slaves.

c. 1300 Orcs multiply in the Misty Mountains and plague both Dwarves and Northmen.

  1. The armies of the Witch-king cross the Southern Spur and invade Rhudaur. The Hillmen oppose a weak resistance, and most often they are ready to swear allegiance to the newcomers. The Witch-king tests the borders of Lindon in the far north with cold drakes and wild trolls; the first serious threat plagues that land since the times of the Last Alliance.

  1. The crown of Aldor king of Rhudaur is usurped by his relative Elgost.

1349 Argeleb I claims the kingship of all Arnor.

  1. The First Northern War: Elgost, last king of Rhudaur, dies in an ambush. Daster of Esperhill takes the crown of Rhudaur and ends the war with Angmar surrendering the Ettenmoors. The Dùnedain of the Egladil rebel and are crushed. Minalcar agrees to surrender his kingship to the line of Arthedain. Angmar joins armies with Rhudaur and attacks Arthedain. King Argeleb of Arthedain dies on the battlefield, but his son is able to gain the support of Cardolan, thus repelling the invaders.

  2. Minalcar surrenders kingship to Arveleg of Arthedain, and become Prince of Cardolan.

c. 1400 Malborn, seer of Arthedain, is seduced into the service of the Witch-king. His treachery is to have terrible consequences. Many of the strategies and defensive secrets of the North-kingdom become known to the Angmarrim generals.

    1. The Second Northern War: Angmar, with the support of Rhudaur, defeats Cardolan and Arthedain at Amon Sûl, slaying Ondoher, last Prince of Cardolan and annihilating its army on the Tyrn Gorthad. Cardolan and Siragalë are wasted. Arthedain manages to resist thanks to the intervention of the Elves of Lindon and Imladris, and later to defeats the Angmarrim.

1411 Following the death of many Angmarean lords, the Witch-king starts the practice of choosing Mornarturi by himself, granting them fiefs for their lifetime.

  1. The Year of the Dragons in Forochel. The Witch-king stirs the Dragons of the North, who predate over the peoples of those lands.

  1. The Orc Agog, with the support of the Witch-king, takes power among the Orcs of the Bleak Mountains of Forodwaith.

    1. The Great Plague strikes Eriador and Angmar. The Dùnedain of Cardolan suffer greatly. In Angmar, despite the cold weather, Orc dies like flies. The Witch-king sends undead spirits to haunt the Barrow Downs. Ardagor settle in the Southern Downs.

1640 A rebellion among the Orcs of Forodwaith result in the loss of power of the Witch-king on them.

    1. The Hillmen’s revolt and Rogrog’s War.

1670 Dragons lay waste in the Narrows.

  1. The Third Northern War: Angmarean forces fall on Annùminas during winter and raze the city, but are repelled by King Araval of Arthedain and his allies the Elves.

c. 1890 The Red Flux strikes Arthedain.

c. 1960 The Bloodeye Ravish exterminates horses in Eriador.

1950 Dragons stir in the Grey Mountains.

  1. The Fourth Northern War: Arthedain is destroyed, and most Dùnedain are killed or flee to the safety of Gondor.

  2. Arvedui last King drowns in Forochel, together with the Stones of Annùminas and Amon Sûl. The army of Earnur of Gondor comes too late to save Arthedain, but it defeats the Angmarrim and destroys the kingdom of Angmar.

    1. Gondoreans and Arthedain survivors destroy every single fortress in Angmar and kill all Angmareans. The kingdom is almost deserted, save for a few Orc-holds of which the main is Mount Gram.

1977 The Éotheod invade the Estaravi territory, repelling Orcish presence in that land.

    1. The last mannish inhabitants of Angmar leave the country under threat of Orc-raids.

    1. Dwarves of Durin’s folk return to Angmar, after loss of Khazad-dûm, to search for their ancient holds. Some ancient mines are reoccupied by a few adventurous Dwarves.

    1. Scatha the dragon raids the Éotheod lands.

  1. Fram of the Éotheod slays Scatha the Worm. With his treasure he founds Framsburg.

2002 Dwendel the Wanderer and his company slay the Dragon Grimfang and occupy Zarak-dûm.

  1. As a consequence of a dispute with Durin’s Folk over the treasure, Fram is murdered.

    1. As Dwarvish presence increase in the Ered Mithrin, Orc tribes move west into the Northern Misty Mountains.

2091 Orcs from Gundabad conquer Zarak-dûm.

c. 2480 Orcs begin to make secret strongholds in the Misty Mountains as to bar all the passes into Eriador.

  1. The Éotheod leave the upper Anduin Vales.

  1. Dragons reappear in the far North and begin to afflict the Dwarves. Many Orcs leave the Ered Mithrin and move to Angmar, where they end the last existing settlements of Dùrin's Folk.

  1. Orcs renew their invasions of Eriador

  1. King Golfinbul dies in the Northfarthing.

    1. The Long Winter

    1. Azog takes the power in Gundabad, exerting his authority over the Orcs of the Misty and Grey Mountains.

  1. War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins.

2795 Fall of Mount Gundabad to the Dwarves.

2796 Fall of Mount Gram to the Dwarves.

  1. Battle of Nanduhirion and death of Azog.

c. 2810 Orcs from the North start to resettle Angmar.

2842 Bolg son of Azog reoccupy Mount Gundabad and takes the crown of his father.

  1. The Fell Winter. White wolves invade Eriador from the North.

  2. Great floods.

  1. Battle of the Five Armies. Bolg is slain.

2951 Sauron declares himself openly.

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