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“Young Scientist” . #20 (79) . December 2014















In conclusion, the following causes of the relatively high mortality especially among men in Russia [5] should be pointed out: insufficient quality and availability of health care, poor quality and toxicity of some alcoholic beverages, including those sold legally in shops (acknowledging that there has been an improvement tendency since approximately the last decade). Sales of toxic alcoholic products were often tolerated by authorities. Insufficient availability of modern health care for


a large segment of the population is a major contributing factor to the hypertension-related mortality including stroke in the former SU, whereas the role of alcohol has been exaggerated in some publications; more details are in [12]. Such exaggeration is apparently used to veil the shortcomings of the health care system, with responsibility for the relatively low life expectancy shifted onto the patients, that is, supposedly self-inflicted diseases caused by excessive alcohol consumption.

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10.Jargin SV. Letter from Russia: minimal price for vodka established in Russia from 1 January 2010. Alcohol Alcohol. 2010;45(6):586–8.

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22.Илюк РД, Рыбакова КВ, Киселев АС, Крупицкий ЕМ. Эпидемиология и медико-социальные особенности зависимости от пива и крепких алкогольных напитков. Журн. неврол. психиатр. им. Корсакова 2011;111(11 вып. 2):3–13.

Молодой ученый

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20 (79) / 2014

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