5.72 Кб

Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; pages.asm ; this example demonstrates the use of pages (double-buffering). ; this program uses first 4 pages of video memory by writing ; some random data to them, and waits for any key press, ; pressing any key will show all pages one after another. name "pages" org 100h ; set video mode: ; text mode 80x25, 16 colors, 8 pages mov ah, 0 mov al, 3 int 10h ; ======== print chars on different pages: mov al, '0' ; char to print. mov bh, 0 ; page number. mov bl, 0000_1110b ; attributes. do_print: mov cx, 200 ; number of chars to write. mov ah, 09h ; write char function. int 10h inc al ; next char. inc bh ; next page. rol bl, 1 ; select another attribute. cmp al, '4' jb do_print ; ===== modify pages by writing directly ; to video memory: push ds mov ax, 0b800h mov ds, ax ; first byte is a color attribute ; (0f2h = white background, green char), ; second byte is an ascii code ; (41h = 'a', 42h = 'b', 43h = 'c'...) mov di, 0 ; page 0. mov w.[di], 0f241h add di, 4096 ; page 1. mov w.[di], 0f242h add di, 4096 ; page 2. mov w.[di], 0f243h add di, 4096 ; page 3. mov w.[di], 0f244h pop ds ; ======= show pages one after another: mov al, 0 ; page number show_next_page: mov ah, 05h ; change page function. int 10h push ax ; wait for any key: xor ax, ax int 16h pop ax inc al cmp al, 4 jb show_next_page ret ; return control to operating system.

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