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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; print.asm ; this example shows how to print string. ; the string is defined just after the call instruction. ; this example does not use emu8086.inc library. name "print" org 100h ; set these values to registers for no particular reason, ; we just want to check that the procedure does not destroy them. mov si, 1234h mov ax, 9876h ; 0Dh,0Ah - is the code ; for standard new ; line characters: ; 0Dh - carriage return. ; 0Ah - new line. call printme db 'hello', 0 ; gets here after print: mov cx, 1 call printme db ' world!', 0Dh,0Ah, 0 ; gets here after print: mov cx, 2 call printme db 'hi there!', 0Ah db "what's up?", 0Dh,0Ah db 'printing!', 0 ; printme returns here: xor cx, cx call printme db 0xd,0xa,"press any key...", 0 ; wat for any key.... mov ah, 0 int 16h ret ; return to os. ;******************************* ; this procedure prints a null terminated ; string at current cursor position. ; the zero terminated string should ; be defined just after ; the call. for example: ; ; call printme ; db 'hello world!', 0 ; ; address of string is stored in the ; stack as return address. ; procedure updates value in the ; stack to make return ; after string definition. printme: mov cs:temp1, si ; protect si register. pop si ; get return address (ip). push ax ; store ax register. next_char: mov al, cs:[si] inc si ; next byte. cmp al, 0 jz printed mov ah, 0eh ; teletype function. int 10h jmp next_char ; loop. printed: pop ax ; re-store ax register. ; si should point to next command after ; the call instruction and string definition: push si ; save new return address into the stack. mov si, cs:temp1 ; re-store si register. ret ; variable to store original ; value of si register. temp1 dw ? ;*******************************

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