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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; mouse.asm ; mouse test name "mouse" org 100h print macro x, y, attrib, sdat LOCAL s_dcl, skip_dcl, s_dcl_end pusha mov dx, cs mov es, dx mov ah, 13h mov al, 1 mov bh, 0 mov bl, attrib mov cx, offset s_dcl_end - offset s_dcl mov dl, x mov dh, y mov bp, offset s_dcl int 10h popa jmp skip_dcl s_dcl DB sdat s_dcl_end DB 0 skip_dcl: endm clear_screen macro pusha mov ax, 0600h mov bh, 0000_1111b mov cx, 0 mov dh, 24 mov dl, 79 int 10h popa endm print_space macro num pusha mov ah, 9 mov al, ' ' mov bl, 0000_1111b mov cx, num int 10h popa endm jmp start curX dw 0 curY dw 0 curB dw 0 start: mov ax, 1003h ; disable blinking. mov bx, 0 int 10h ; hide text cursor: mov ch, 32 mov ah, 1 int 10h ; reset mouse and get its status: mov ax, 0 int 33h cmp ax, 0 jne ok print 1,1,0010_1111b, " mouse not found :-( " jmp stop ok: clear_screen print 7,7,0010_1011b," note: in the emulator you may need to press and hold mouse buttons " print 7,8,0010_1011b," because mouse interrupts are not processed in real time. " print 7,9,0010_1011b," for a real test, click external->run from the menu. " print 10,11,0010_1111b," click/hold both buttons to exit... " ; display mouse cursor: mov ax, 1 int 33h check_mouse_buttons: mov ax, 3 int 33h cmp bx, 3 ; both buttons je hide cmp cx, curX jne print_xy cmp dx, curY jne print_xy cmp bx, curB jne print_buttons print_xy: print 0,0,0000_1111b,"x=" mov ax, cx call print_ax print_space 4 print 0,1,0000_1111b,"y=" mov ax, dx call print_ax print_space 4 mov curX, cx mov curY, dx jmp check_mouse_buttons print_buttons: print 0,2,0000_1111b,"btn=" mov ax, bx call print_ax print_space 4 mov curB, bx jmp check_mouse_buttons hide: mov ax, 2 ; hide mouse cursor. int 33h clear_screen print 1,1,1010_0000b," hardware must be free! free the mice! " stop: ; show box-shaped blinking text cursor: mov ah, 1 mov ch, 0 mov cl, 8 int 10h print 4,7,0000_1010b," press any key.... " mov ah, 0 int 16h ret print_ax proc cmp ax, 0 jne print_ax_r push ax mov al, '0' mov ah, 0eh int 10h pop ax ret print_ax_r: pusha mov dx, 0 cmp ax, 0 je pn_done mov bx, 10 div bx call print_ax_r mov ax, dx add al, 30h mov ah, 0eh int 10h jmp pn_done pn_done: popa ret endp

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