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1. Знайдіть у тексті речення, до яких поставлено питання, і запишіть їхній номер у відповідь.

1. In November, 1620, a small ship, the "Mayflower", left England.

2. There were about one hundred people aboard the ship who were flying from the prosecutions of the King.

3. Even for this hundred the ship was too small.

4. For seven long weeks the "Mayflower" was in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, and at last the people saw the land. It was America.

5. It was already autumn. It was raining, and a cold wind was blowing.

6. Sixteen men left the "Mayflower" and went ashore. In the evening they came back to the ship and brought some maize with them.

7. They found the maize on the beach where the Indians had left it. Nobody in Europe had seen maize then, but when the people on board the "Mayflower" tried it, they liked it very much.

8. Next day was Sunday and everybody on the "Mayflower" had a rest.

9. On Monday, some men went ashore again and this time they took some women with them.

10. The women had to wash the clothes. Since that time Monday had been a wash-day in America.


1. /5What was the weather like?

2. /4How long was the ship in the ocean?

3./1 When did the "Mayflower" leave the native shore?

4./2 What made people leave England?

5./9 What did the women do on Monday?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you in the corridor?(are)

2. Your news … not very bad today.(is)

3. What … your sister’s name?(is)

4. There … a newspaper and two magazines in the bag.(is)

5. … your brothers students?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. Jane isn’t married.

2. Pat’s mother isn’t at home.

3. Tom doesn’t stay at home on Saturday.

4. That picture isn’t expensive.

5. That picture doesn’t cost much.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. The teacher gives us many homework(a lot of).

2. My brother is liking to read detective stories.(likes)

3. Where do this student study?(does)

4. When he will come to see you?(will he)

5. Jane is having this textbook.(was)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Моя подруга – студентка.(My girlfriend is a student)

2. Він вже прослухав наш концерт у цьому місяці.(He has already listened to our concert in this mouth)

3. На що ви дивитесь?(What are you looking at?)

4. Їй подобаються документальні фільми.(She likes documentary movies)

5. Вона зараз пише дуже важку вправу.(She is writing very difficult exercises)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1) then; 2) works; 3) is working; 4) than; 5) to work; 6) having worked; 7) has been working; 8) were working; 9) had been working; 10) worked

1. Nick works harder then his brother does.

2. She has been working for the firm for seven years already and is not going to leave her job.

3. Don’t bother Peter, he is working now.

4. It is necessary for him ) to work hard at his English pronunciation.

5. They were working for three hours already when we came in.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення. He gets many letters every day.

1. Does he get many letters every day?

2. He gets many letters every day, doesn’t he?

3. What does he get every day?

4. Doesn’t he get many letters every day?

5. Does he get many letters or photo every day?

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