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1. Знайдіть у тексті речення, до яких поставлено питання, і запишіть їхній номер у відповідь.

1. In Westminster Abbey there is a large stone which has an interesting history.

2. The legend says the stone was brought from Scotland.

3. It was for a long time the seat on which the kings of Scotland sat when they were crowned.

4. Duncan, Macbeth, Malcolm sat on this stone at their coronations.

5. Edward I of England invaded Scotland many times and once he brought the Stone of Destiny to England.

6. The legend says wherever this stone goes, a Scottish king rules.

7. It proved to be true after the death to Queen Elizabeth in 1603 when King James of Scotland became king of England and Wales too.

8. The kings and queens of Britain still sit on this Stone, but not on it alone.

9. In the 13th century King Edward I ordered to make an oak chair as a throne for the English coronations.

10. The Stone of Destiny was fitted into the seat of the chair, and the king could sit on both the English throne and the Scottish Stone at the same time.


1./7 What event confirmed wonderful properties of the Stone of Destiny?

2./6 What does the legend say about the magic properties of the Stone? 3./5 Who took the Stone of Destiny to England?

4./10 Where was the Stone fitted?

5. /9When did the first throne appear?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you hungry? (are)

2. The news … not very bad today.(is)

3. What … your parents’ address?(is)

4. There … an apple and two peaches on the table(is)

5. … your friends students?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. Pat’s mother doesn’t teach students.

2. Pat’s mother isn’t a teacher.

3. It isn’t cost much to stay at that hotel.

4. That hotel isn’t expensive.

5. I am not working at this article now.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. He is writing exercises every day.(writes)

2. My brother is liking to swim.(likes)

3. Where are this students?(these)

4. When I can come to see you?(can I)

5. Jane is hating big cities.(hoties)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Моя сестра – студентка(My sister is a student)

2. Я вже прочитав цю книгу в цьому місяці.(I have read this book this month)

3. Що ви тут робите?(What are you doing)

4. Йому подобаються важкі завдання.(He likes the difficult tasks)

5. Вона зараз пише дуже цікаву статтю.(She has been writing a very interesting article)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1) will have; 2) little; 3) had; 4) to have; 5) a little; 6) have had; 7) is having;

8) has; 9) will be having; 10) having 1. Jane enjoys to have square meals.

2. I have a little money and I can afford to buy a bar of chocolate.

3. They wish they had an extra ticket for the show.

4. The family has had supper already and are watching TV.

5. Do not ring the boss at this time tomorrow; he will have a talk with the staff.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення. My sister often sends me letters.

1. Does my sister often send me letters?

2. My sister often sends me letters, doesn’t she?

3. What does my sister send me?

4. Doesn’t my sister often send me letters?

5. Does my sister often send me letters or pictures?


1. The first people who arrived in America from Holland built a town that they named New Amsterdam, in honour of the capital of their country in Europe.

2. But forty years later, when Holland was at war with England, an English fleet under the command of the Duke of York appeared before New Amsterdam.

3. The town had no army, the English occupied the town and renamed it New York.

4. And this, as we know, is the name that has remained to this day.

5. The first people who came to America did not try to think of new names for the towns they built, but often gave the new place the same name as the place they had come from.

6. Along the east coast of the United States we find such English names as Plymouth, Cambridge, London, Boston.

7. English names often appear with the word "new" as a prefix: New England, New York, New Britain.

8. When the first English inhabitants left their homes on the east coast and moved to the west, they gave the new places the same names as those they had left behind.

9. As a result, there are twenty-two towns in the US that are called London, eighteen towns named Bristol, and so on.

10. This, of course, created a lot of difficulties for the postal service.


1./1 How did the first people from Holland name their first town? 2./2Who was one of the leaders of the English Navy?

3. /6Do they have only one Bristol in America?

4. /3What was the second name of New Amsterdam?

5./5 What names did the settlers give to new towns as soon as they reached America?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you busy? (are)

2. He … to school on Saturdays.(goes)

3. What … your parents’ names?(are)

4. There … a book and two pencils in my bag(is).

5. … your friends doctors?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. Does your friend work at an office?

2. My sister isn’t a doctor.

3. I don’t know her at all.

4. Which of you doesn’t remember the new words?

5. I am not reading this article now.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. He is going to work every day.(goes)

2. My brother is loving his wife.(loves)

3. Where are this books?(these)

4. What I can do for you?(can I)

5. There is many bread on the plate.(much)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Його син працює в міністерстві.(His sun works in the ministry)

2. Ми багато читаємо на уроці.(We read a lot during in the class)

3. Що ви тут шукаєте?(What are looking for here)

4. Прочитайте ці статті вдома.(read these articles at home)

5. Це дуже гарні вправи.(These are very good exercises)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів. 1. I want you to win this game.

2. He will spend the money which have won in the lottery last year to buy a car.

3. He will become a champion if he wins most of the games next season.

4. I was watching Peter easily winning his game of chess against Bob.

5. This team must to have won many games last season.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення. He does his homework every day.

1. Does he do his homework every day?

2. He does his homework every day, doesn’t he?

3. When does he do his homework?

4. Doesn’t he do his homework every day?

5. Does he do his homework every day or once a week?


1. Bernard Berg started as an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in French and German first.

2. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began teaching in a secondary school in England.

3. Two years later, however, he met someone who offered him a job of teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays.

4. His students were adults and he enjoyed the work greatly.

5. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries. Since then he has specialized in this work.

6. First he went to Africa for two years and he spent a year in Spain.

7. After that he went to Italy where he worked for three years.

8. He has not been to South America yet but he plans to go there next.

9. He has taught men and women of all ages and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of life.

10. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessen


1./6 How much time did he spend in Africa?

2./8 Has Bernard Berg been to South America?

3./9 Bernard Berg knows how to deal with different people, doesn’t he?

4./5 Bernard Berg was interested in French and German only, was he not?

5./2 Where did Bernard Berg get his education?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you at home? (are)

2. I … love you!(don’t)

3. What … your friend’s address?(is)

4. There … an table and two desks in the room.(is)

5. … your brother a driver?(is)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. My sister doesn’t go to the park.

2. Peter isn’t a teacher.

3. It doesn’t cost much to stay at that hotel.

4. That book isn’t expensive.

5. I don’t like this book.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. The news aren’t bad today.(is not)

2. Is your sister liking to swim?(Does you sister likes)

3. Where is his trousers?(are)

4. When you come to see her?(Will)

5. Jane hate rainy weather.(hates)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Моя дочка – школярка.(My daughter is schoolgirl)

2. Він вже пішов додому.(He already have gone home)

3. Що ви пишете?(What are you writing)

4. Йому подобаються цікаві книжки.(He likes the interesting books)

5. Вона зараз працює над дуже цікавою проблемою.(she has been working on interesting problem)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1) invites; 2) shall invite; 3) was inviting; 4) had been invited; 5) would invite; 6) will be invited; 7) were invited; 8) to have been invited; 9) shall be invited; 10) has invited

1. Mary had been invited to the birthday party before she went to Kyiv.

2. I was interested to know if he invites me to his house the next day.

3. When I entered the room Tom was inviting his friends to his wedding party.

4. Helen shall invite to take part in the concert next week.

5. If I were invited to this party tomorrow, I’d be delighted.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення.We are revising these grammar rules now.

1. Are we revising these grammar rules now?

2. We are revising these grammar rules now, aren’t we?

3. What are we revising now?

4. Aren’t we revising these grammar rules now?

5. Are we revising these grammar rules or new words now?


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