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  1. Speak on your career plan and what you would do to get ahead in your career.

Говорите о вашем карьерном плане и что вы сделали бы, чтобы продвинуться в вашей карьере.

My career plan – create my own entertainment complex. For it I became to work in restaurant as artist: I sing songs of high level: jazz, rock’n’roll, classic, but not Russian chanson and pop-music. I will know what does intelligent public want from performance?

Then I can to know how to build organization: I want to create pub, when people will can to rest, to listen to good music, to eat and other.

And finally, when I will earn enough money I make my own complex.

  1. Speak on the ways that can help you get ahead in your career and say how improving the level of your English can influence your career move.

Скажите о способах, которые могут помочь вам продвинуться в вашей карьере и расскажите как улучшение уровня вашего английского может влиять на ваше карьерное движение?

Improving the level of your English will give the chance to find new business partners, to realize more ideas.

Questions to be answered

  1. When do usually ambitious people decide on a career plan? Are you an ambitious person?

Когда обычно амбициозные люди выбирают карьерный план? Вы амбициозный человек?

Ambitious people decide on a career plan when they want to realize the ideas, to achieve new heights in job and may be to become a famous and successful person.

Yes, I’m ambitious person. I have many great ideas for my career and I plan realize them.

  1. When did you decide on your career plan?

Когда вы остановились на своем карьерном плане?

I started to work as the guide and thought that it is possible to improve both a museum, and its management. But my director was a lazy and greedy, he didn’t want to see somebody as manager. I decide, that if I can’t to improve this system, I can create my managing system, my organization and improve it.

  1. What does an effective career plan include?

For example you may create a list of current tasks written down to stay focused.

If you unhappy with current career position look for the ways to transform it into more of what you want.

Create your own goals. Determine where you want to be a professionally and what skills you need to reach that goal.

  1. What are the stages in a typical career?

    1. Early career: Which skills do you have? What does company like? What does company want to do for future development?

    2. Average career: Automate current work and find ways to take a higher and prestigious post.

    3. Mature career: Save reached success and transfer experience to others.

  2. What areas would you prefer to work in?

I want to work in show business, create representations with artists.

  1. How can one make a quick career move?

For quick career move a person need to have certain qualities: He/she will be a natural leader and energetic, confident and outgoing person. Candidate for the position will have organizational and interpersonal skills, a good academic background, linguistic ability. If person have this skills, he or she may take a high position.

  1. What are the most important things in moving ahead in a career

Что является самыми важными вещами в продвижении вперед в карьере?

The most important things in moving are skills like: leadership, energetic and responsibility, a better communication with colleagues, Multilanguage speaking.

  1. Selling on-line

  1. Speak on your experience in buying something online and about the companies that think that selling online is one of the most effective ways to attract customers to their business.(Keys to success)

Price-comparison web-sites such as Kelkoo make the market even more competitive. “You always just are one click away from a rival” says a CEO Kelkoo.

  1. Speak on the problems of bricks-and-mortar retailers and the ways they solve them.

Some bricks-and-mortar retailers are adopting a model of dual pricing for to maintaining margins in shops. Mr Gladding says “In the longer run prices must come together

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