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Climate of gb & Belarus

You know, it’s considered that here in Belarus people do not talk about weather so much as people do it in Great Britain. Of course, I can understand that it is some kind of tradition among Englishmen to grumble ate their weather and the climate on the whole. But let’s face it, how many times you have heard our people grousing at this year weather. I can remember dozens of times. The climate is going mad, they say. Global worming is killing us all with the weather. I think, it is becoming a sort of tradition among our people as well. Well, why not, I mean the climate of Belarus isn’t exact antithesis to the English climate. Let’s check it: let me begin with spring, because it’s (along with autumn) my favourite season.

It is the season when nature returns to life. Season of faith’s perfection they call it. Vegetation grows rapidly, if the weather allows it. We begin to get more sunshine, but showers are still very common both in Britain and Belarus. I believe that this is the time when summer is awaited almost by everyone. And when it finally comes non of us can be entirely sure that fine weather will stay for the whole season. Sometimes it gets unbearably hot, when the heat grows oppressive and the air gets stifling. I’ve never been to Britain, but I somehow think that it’s easier to endure this kind of weather there, as it is an island after all. Yet, a summer thunderstorm is quite common both here and there. It’s magnificent, especially the air after such a thunderstorm. It is so remarkably fresh!

Autumn is the season of mists (mostly in Britain) and frequent rains (in Belarus). It’s the time when leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall to the ground. September or October is usually remarkable with a spell of sunny weather for a couple of weeks. It’s called Indian Summer. And when winter is getting closer the climates of these two countries begin to differ. Late autumn, as a rule, and early winter in Belarus is the time when a light snow begins to fall. Not always of course, but very seldom we see December with no snow lying on the ground (last years December, I assume, was an exception). In GB at this time we can experience quite often days of biting winds (because the Atlantic Ocean is very close) and occasional drizzles. When winter comes the ground is covered with hoar frost. The snow falls, but it doesn’t last long. The thaw sets in, the snow turns to slush which makes walking extremely unpleasant. And average temperature in winter in our country is about 10 degrees below zero. When there is as many degrees of frost in England, they say that it is freezing hard and everyone complains of the cold. This is because their damp climate makes them feel the cold more. And Belarus lies in an area of moderate climate. Air masses from the Atlantics bring moisture and reduce temperature variation. The climate of the British Isles, along with the climate of the West coast of Europe and Iceland is affected by a warm current called the Gulf Stream.

Well, anyway, I still think that our climates are very much alike. Besides a man is such a creature that can survive in almost any climatic condition on this Earth, especially when we talk about such temperate climates Belarus and GB have.