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Table manners

Although rules regarding table manners are not very strict nowadays, it is considered rude not to know or simply disobey those rules of simple human etiquette. Table manners are taught in every family and a child gets used to them sometimes without even knowing that they are obligatory for every well-bred man and woman.

Now let me just list some of these rules, which are accepted in particular state or even language. The so-called list of “Do’s and Don’ts”.

One shouldn’t attract too much attention to him or herself when having a meal in public. That includes noisy chewing, spitting, slurping, smoking and (my favorite) telling stories or jokes which are not very conductive for good digestion. One oughtn’t try to bite off a large piece of his helping or even try to swallow the whole thing at once. It will not only spoil your neighbors’ appetite, but also can do you some harm. One shouldn’t do it even if he or she is very hungry, because it’s most unlikely that your meal will be stolen from you. But that also means that you shouldn’t eat too slowly – it may offend your hosts. While chewing keep your mouth closed and don’t speak when you have food in your mouth. When you are being served, don’t pick. One piece is usually as good as the next. When dish is placed before you don’t look at it very suspiciously exchanging glances with the host or other guests and don’t give the impression that you are about to sniff it. If your food is too hot, don’t blow on it as though you were trying to start a campfire. And do not use a spoon for what can be eaten with a fork. But there are some exceptions though. For example in China they use neither.

In between courses one oughtn’t make bread-balls to while the time away and make a drum solo with the help of knives, plates and glasses, even if you are an outstanding drummer. Don’t try to harpoon a piece of bread with a fork, especially if it’s on the other side of the table. Use your tongue instead I mean, nobody will be offended if you ask him or her to pass you some.

And, finally, when the meal is finished, don’t lick your plate, spoon or a knife. I’m not sure that it will compliment the cook. And do not forget to say “Thank you” for every favour of kindness. There are many ways to express your gratitude even if you don’t know a simple phrase of “thank you” in the language of the one who is treating you.

Well, there are many other ways of being well-mannered at table, but they can vary in different countries, so, what is considered polite and rude there. It’s all just the matter of breeding, I believe.

My favourite season.

I’d like to begin speaking about the seasons with a short English poem:

Man is a fool; When it is hot, he wants it cool, When it’s cool he wants it hot; He always wants what he has not got.

It’s really true. When winter comes we at first are glad to see the snow but then we begin hating cold and frost and wait for spring. In summer we have a rest but if it is unbearably hot, we complain again. But I think all seasons are good in their own ways.

Spring is the season when nature returns to life. Vegetation grows rapidly, for there are periods of sunshine broken by occasional showers. After the rain we see a magnificent rainbow. The air is so fresh and aromatic. In spring nature awakens after a long sleep of winter. Snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, primroses come out. The grass is amazingly fresh. We can’t help loving it. It’s a busy season for the farmers. They begin the sowing campaign. I think everybody in spring feels as if they were born anew.

Almost all people like summer, because we prefer warm weather. Children have the longest holidays in the year, grown-ups try to have their vocations in summer too. They hurry to leave the cities for the country or the seaside. It’s a pleasure to swim in the river on a hot day of July, to lie on the sand in the sun though it’s rather dangerous because you my burn your skin and suffer then, to say nothing about skin cancer, which is often caused by the sunburn. I like it when a hot summer day ends in a thunderstorm. It pours with rain. Anyone caught in the rain takes shelter, otherwise he may get wet to skin. But the rain is usually warm and children prefer to stay in it and enjoy it. Summer days pass always quickly and autumn comes with rains and cold weather.

But the beginning of autumn is marvelous. It is still warm, the leaves change their colour from green to yellow, red, brown. Everything around is greenish-gold. It’s my favourite season. I like to walk in the park of forest when a flying web suddenly touches my cheek. I feel like dancing together with the flying web and falling leaves. I understand why many poets liked early autumn so much. Late autumn is unpleasant, dull with rains, fogs, cold. When you stay outdoors you begin shivering and wanting the only thing – to come back home as quickly as possible.

Winter is usually a cold season in our country. Sometimes it already begins in November. It comes with snow, frost and winds. But the snow sometimes melts in December and we have a boring New Year without frost and snow. The holiday of the New Year is the most loved by people. We decorate Christmas trees at home and in the squares. We prepare presents for our dearest and nearest. We expect to get presents as well. Winter is a good season for sports and games.

In fact every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way.