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6.Talk about the relationship between the world’s climate & man’s activities

We all live in this wonderful world & in our own way we are slowly destroying the natural environment around us. Men usually try to guess everything in nature. Although the weathermen’s forecast for the month ahead is only a little letter than guesswork, they are now making long-term forecast into the next century with growing confidence. For the most important trend in the world’s climate in the following decades will, scientists say, be a predictable result of man’s activities.

At the start of the industrial revolution nearly centuries ago, man innocently set off a gigantic experiment in planetary engineering. Unaware of what he was doing, unfortunately he didn’t think about the results. Today the possible outcome is frighteningly clear yet the experiment is unstoppable. Within the lifetimes of many of us, the earth may become warmer than it has been for thousand years. By the middle of the next century it may be warmer than it has been since before the last Ice Age. And the century after that may be hotter that any in the past 70 million years.

Superficially, a warmer climate may seem welcome. However, it could bring many hazards – disruption of crops in the world’s main food-producing regions, famine, economic instability, civil unrest and even war.

So now you see, that the weather of the 21st century isn’t being predicted by scientists with more and more certainty. Man is continuing his experiments and he doesn’t think about the results of his work. So the 22nd century will be warmer than the 21st century. And it’s connected with the man’s experiments. So, there’s a great relationship between the world’s climate & man’s activities. And it partially depends on us what climate we’ll have next years.

My Healthy Diet ;)

Our life is full of problems, which very often doesn't leave much time to think about our health. We don't care about what we eat until something goes wrong with the stomach or we put on too much weight. We know that it's always best to anticipate a problem before it arises. But still many people especially students rain their health because of the wrong diet. Most of us- eat without realizing what our food consists of. And, like any other machine, our body functions according to the fuel we feed it. No one single food will kill us but a combination of the wrong sorts of food can cause ill health.

I've heard so much about balanced diets, vegetarian diets, the harm of sugar and fat, salt and pepper that sometimes it seems that there's nothing left to eat at all. Sugar is dangerous because it decays teeth, fat causes heart disease and makes us put on weight, fried food can kill you (don't remember why). Every time I hear something like "How can you eat it, don't you know it rains your health?" I can't but smile. As for me I don't care much about how harmful doctors consider t« be the dish as long as I love the taste. It is not that I don't believe doctors, it's all because I've got my own point of view on the problem of eating. I would never eat anything that I find disgusting even if it contained all the existing vitamins and minerals. To my mind we should find all the necessary substances in the food we like. Of course you can torment yourself eating only fat-free high-fibre food, doing without salt and sugar having everything boiled. You can become a vegetarian. But I don't think it will make you live forever, I'm not sure it'll prolong your life at all I'm not that concerned about health to do without chocolate or coke. What do I need my health for if I can't eat what I love?

Being a student, means that you care not about eating something healthy, but about eating something at all. Our government cares so much about our health, that we have a great deal of homour to discuss healthy food and balanced diets, instead of having five more minutes during the break to have a snack. When you eat twice a day you don't care too much about what you eat. A student's stomach can digest anything, the problem is that very often it has to digest nothing. I would love to have a balanced and varied diet containing vegetables, fruit, fish, but I have time only for cooking pasta or potatoes with some sausages (guess the amount of vitamins, protein, minerals and fibre they contain is not sufficient).