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  1. What are current issues in education? Discuss one of them.

Of course educational system isn’t ideal and has a lot of issues nowadays, but the main problem of education the most important one for me is a paid education. It is an actual problem for every student in Russia and in all over world. It’s too complicated to clever but poor teenager to graduate a prestige university. They need to search usual average university or even college where they can study without payment. But everybody knows that colleges in Russia aren’t prestige at all. And studying abroad is simple impossible. So after graduating the high education we always have many stupid employees with rich parents behind them. They usually don’t want and don’t know how to work. And clever, ambitious and hardworking students can’t search a good work because of their diploma from unknown university or because their can’t get high education at all and need to work from their 16 as loader or cashier and so on. In my opinion it’s a real big problem of our society, not only of our educational system. But I don’t see any ways to stop it, because of corruption in our country. And the government may to struggle hardly with it, but it’s in Russian temperament.

  1. Are single-sex schools better than mixed schools? Justify your answer.

In my opinion the mixed schools of course are much better than the single-sex school. Firstly, I think school should reflect the real world and in higher education and in their working life they will be mixed so it makes sense for them to be mixed at school. Secondly, there is too much competition at single-sex schools, which often means that students don’t make enough progress. I also think there is more bullying at single-sex schools, where children are picked on because of the increased competition. Single-sex schools lead to a ‘dog eat dog’ situation. On the other hand there are many people who think on the contrary. They say that boys and girls especially in school learn in very different ways, so at single-sex schools teachers can focus on the children’s difference and needs. But all the same I prefer mixed schools. For me it’s at least cheerfully.

  1. Should schools spend more time teaching the skills people need to get a job? Why/Why not?

I can’t exactly say should they or should not. But I know that in all Europe and in USA even secondary and of course high school has a facultative training and is guided on the future job of their pupils. But in Russia educational system has an aim to teach pupils gradually all sciences to show all wonders around them, how interesting and different is our world. And I know on my experience that it helps to choose a future job, to understand what you are really interested at. And statistic shows that school education in Russia are better than in other countries. From this I can make a conclusion that it’s not important to teach any special skills for job in the schools. Of course every children learn there how to communicate, how to address to audience, how to work in team, learn basic negation skills. But in my opinion it’s enough to school education. Or what new can we than learn at university?

  1. Describe Montessori teaching method? What is your opinion about this style of teaching?

Montessori Method is an educational system that encourages an informal style of teaching. Children learn from handling everyday materials and they develop at their own pace. Her philosophy is that children are unique individuals who must be free to learn without being criticized or restricted. As a result, children enjoy learning and this gives them confidence and makes them happy. The Montessori Method also teaches children skills to help them become more independent. Very young children learn to dress themselves, to cook and to put their toys and clothes away. The teacher is just a guide here, not a leader of the classroom, helping to open student’ eyes to the wonders around them. A typical room in a Montessori school has many things children can use. Because the environment offers a range of activities, children like to work together and they develop a social life based on cooperation. For me, it’s interesting, but not good idea. Because young children can’t know what will happened in their life when they grow up and what they will do as whom the will work. So I prefer an classical education with a one time-table for everybody, with district and so on. It can also teach children to have a discipline.