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The Language of Political Correctness

Political correctness seems to have originated with US college students in the late 1980s and early 1990s. "Politically correct" describes those who are vegetarian, feminist, multicultural, etc. PC - things include ethnic pride (especially Afrocentrism), saying 'people of colour (never coloured people).

In the U.S. A diplomats, journalists, and others such as university teachers have been increasingly asked not to use certain words and expressions because they are politically incorrect and might cause offence, and to use other, politically correct or PC, words.

There are a lot of arguments supporting it, and still there are some who dismiss it as an irrelevance.

The opponents say that 'political correctness' is a lacking sense.

Political Correctness nowadays sees everything in terms of race, class, and gender. 'Eskimos' disappear because they are not a homogeneous group and may view the term Eskimo negatively

Much as 'birth defects' are best replaced by 'congenital disabilities. 'Mankind' is no good. 'Gringo', 'savages and "redskin' are among the words preferably to be avoided.

But political correctness and the banning of words does not drive out prejudice: it merely hides it.

The Press in Britain

You know , that the Press is the fouth power in world. We buy millions of them:national, regional, local, daily and weekly, morning and evening papers.

Britain is often given as an example of a country that has a national press. The daily circulation of papers in Britain is just over 14 million copies.

The British national press is often referred to as Fleet Street.

All British papers can be classified into two major groups: quality and popular papers.

A quality paper is a serious national paper aiming at the educated reader. Quality papers written by experts in their field, arts and literary reviews and much professional advertising.

Among them is The Times. A Popular paper is a newspaper whose format and content is designed for the undemanding reader. They carry brief and direct news reports emphasizing facts and a large number of photographs.

Emphasis is laid on personal stories, especially when they are sensational, or involving a figure in the public eye such as a member of the royal family.

Much consideration is given to sports and to entertaining features such as cartoons and contests. Among the cpopulars' is The Sun. Most popular tabloids usually reflect conservative opinion in their comment and reporting, while The Daily Mirror has a more left-wing bias. No newspaper anywhere can compete with Britain's formidable news agency, Reuters. Across the world its name has become an assurance of impartiality, accuracy and reliability.

Vital issues of a day

The Queen’s Jubilee.

The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is a monumental occasion for the United Kingdom, whose very name underlines the need for a figurehead who is not Scottish or English or Welsh or Irish or Manx, but who represents all of these peoples and embodies their culture.

More than that, Queen Elizabeth II is a cultural, historical and historic bridge between past and present: her first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill.

Nobody had heard of the Beatles or the Rolling Stones when she became Queen in 1952, sixty years ago, just after the independence of India/Pakistan and before the transformation of the British Empire into the Commonwealth of Nations, of which she is Head.Queen Elizabeth II represents and embodies the cultural heritage of this Community of Nations and is the focal point around which the Commonwealth and the people of the United Kingdom rally, to find, in one word, togetherness, or in two words, common values.

Queen Elizabeth II is above party politics and has nothing to do with British foreign policy; these are Government matters. She is an unofficial advisor, not a policy-maker. This is precisely why the world should remember this Diamond Jubilee and Queen Elizabeth II, who has dedicated six decades of her life to public service.

The Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is an ode to togetherness, to inclusion, to common values. She has made these values a part of British culture and her professionalism and dedication to her post have moved them to the centre stage of the Commonwealth.

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