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Итоговые билеты к гос.экзамену 4 курс Мэо.doc
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Приложение к билету №7


It is obvious that meetings are central to most organizations, as people need to know what their colleagues are doing and to take decision based on shared information and opinions.

As EXPORT BUSINESS COUNSELOR you are invited to take part in a workshop organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Speak on the factors that make a MEETING successful. Dwell on the role of a Chairperson.

Give recommendations to participants of the meetings how to make meetings work for them. Explain how behavioral characteristics may affect the outcome.

Highlight typical pitfalls of international meetings. Outline recommendations how to avoid such problems.


What’s the most effective ways to motivate people to work better?

As you all understand not only salary itself motivates people to work well, but certain working conditions.

Prepare an oral presentation on what aspects of working environment influence employees’ attitude to work?

How to motivate better: individually or as a part of a team?

Приложение к билету №8


The phrase "corporate culture" broke into the Russian language not long ago. But apparently, this term has already taken its niche.

As a head of the Business educational center, you are invited by the association "Small Business" to deliver a presentation for companies that want to strengthen their corporate culture.

Make a presentation:

Explain what CORPORATE CULTURE is.

Speculate on factors that create the culture of an organization. Dwell on the types of corporate cultures.

Emphasize the importance of understanding culture.

Explain what kind of problems a recruit can face if his\her personal culture (or the

culture of his previous organization) doesn't match the company culture.

Does strong corporate culture guarantee success?


Organization of international meetings differs somehow from the domestic one.

Prepare an oral presentation on what

  • steps should you follow,

  • factors is it better to take into account to make international meetings successful?

Приложение к билету №9


YOU - MARKETING MANAGER of the PIKRA soft drink company - believe that Russian national drink KVAS has all the makings of becoming internationally recognized.

YOU work out a plan of foreign market penetration and present it at the stockholders" meeting. WHAT decisions will your company have to take in that situation?

INDENTIFY the best markets for KVAS and say what methods you will employ to enter them. WHAT strategies will you use to win - and subsequently to increase-your product's market share.

SPEAK in terms of Consumer Profile, Market Potential, the Product, Promotion. WHAT other aspects can be found in your Marketing Plan?

DESCRIBE your further action step by step. WHAT trade restrictions, barriers, risks are you likely to face? DO you plan to trade direct or would you rather look for distributors / agents? Why? Build your arguments carefully.

OUTLINE the options. Call for action.


Among the following, what do you consider to be most important during an interview: attitude, appearance, qualifications, age, vocabulary & grammar, nationality, work experience?

Rank according to importance & add any other point you think an employer might look for.

Tactics to impress an employer at the first interview. Would you like to work abroad? If so, where & why?