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  1. The features of Forsytesm.

Galsworthy’s greatness is his generalization of forsytesm used as a specific term applied to the whole upper-middle class of the English society in the end of the 19th century. Through the family of the Forsytes he managed to typify the characteristic features of this class. The personal surname of the Forsyte has become an antonomasia (like for example Othello stands for a jealous man and Romeo and Juliet for lovers)

The author’s schrood studies of English middle-class turned his characters into bywords. Extreme individualism, selfishness, content for everything foreign, a strong sense of property and money worship are the most characterizing features of Forsyte clan.

  1. Father and son. The relationship between James and Soames.

The relations between James and his son Soames were particularly forsytian. They were business partners in the layers company called “forsyte busterd and forsyte”. James was a nominal head of the company, busterd was retired and James was a real head of the company. As a real Forsyte they never openly show their feelings toward each other. Their family relations leact any sentiment, but deep on their heart they were very fond of each other. They were glad of each other’s company although they have never exchange words about intimate problems of life or relented any deep feeling. But there was something hidden deep in their fibre which bound them together- they regarded one another as an investment. For James love of his children especially his elder son was the prime motive of his existence. Because the most important thing for him was to have children to whom he might transit the money he had saved. Saving for his children gave him the best pleasure in his life. For Soames the relations with his father were also very important and dear. His father taught him everything he knew himself about the solicitor business. Soames never said anything about his love for his father but he felt pity about his old age and frail. For both of them it was pleasure to talk about business and they can understand each other almost without any words. The main problem for both of them was that Soames marriage was childless. They greatest happiness for both of them was to know that a new Forsyte was born- a Forsyte, who would become the next partner in their company and inherit their fortune. That is why the relations between Soames and Irene were constant source of James’s misery although he admires Irene’s beauty.

  1. Draw a character sketch of James.

James belongs to the first generation of the first Family. He is a twin brother of Swithin and they are known in the family as the fat and the lean, James is the lean one. He has a peculiar appearance. He is very tall with long arms and legs. His cheeks were thinned by two parallel folds and he had a permanent stoop. His eyes were pale and he had long white side whiskers, which were called “chops”. He was always worrying about everything that concerned himself and his family. And he was always grumbling that “nobody told him anything and he knew nothing”. Of all the Forsyte he was the most family men, because to him more than to any other Forsyte was a “family significant and dear”. He loved the family hearth, he loved the family gossip and he loved grumbling. Galsworthy used metaphor to show that James’s decisions depended on the family gossiping and rumors. All his decisions were formed of a “cream which he skimmed off the family mind”.

The relations between James and his son Soames were particularly forsytian. They were business partners in the layers company called “forsyte busterd and forsyte”. James was a nominal head of the company, busterd was retired and James was a real head of the company. As a real Forsyte they never openly show their feelings toward each other. Their family relations leact any sentiment, but deep on their heart they were very fond of each other. They were glad of each other’s company although they have never exchange words about intimate problems of life or relented any deep feeling. But there was something hidden deep in their fibre which bound them together- they regarded one another as an investment. For James love of his children especially his elder son was the prime motive of his existence. Because the most important thing for him was to have children to whom he might transit the money he had saved. Saving for his children gave him the best pleasure in his life. For Soames the relations with his father were also very important and dear. His father taught him everything he knew himself about the solicitor business. Soames never said anything about his love for his father but he felt pity about his old age and frail. For both of them it was pleasure to talk about business and they can understand each other almost without any words. The main problem for both of them was that Soames marriage was childless. They greatest happiness for both of them was to know that a new Forsyte was born- a Forsyte, who would become the next partner in their company and inherit their fortune. That is why the relations between Soames and Irene were constant source of James’s misery although he admires Irene’s beauty.