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16.Выявление и анализ проблемы

Decision making and problem solving is a key management responsibility.

Some decisions are made quickly as a manager does not have to think too much before taking action. They are based on his own experience.

Other ones are often intuitive, based on a gut feeling.

But many of the decisions are much more difficult since they involve problem–solving. Often they are strategic decisions, which involve major courses of action which will affect the future of the enterprise. When complex problem arise manager has to collect facts and weight up courses of action. The process of problem-solving can be divided into 4 steps

  1. defining the problem.

Manager must identify the problem. It’s important not to mistake the symptoms of a problem for the real problem. As example, the falling profits can be the symptoms of a problem while the real problem can be poor image of the company. He also must take into account the principles and rules of the company as they will limit the solution of the problem

2) analyzing and collecting information

This includes deciding which additional information is needed. However, he wont be able to get all the knowledge he needs

3) working out options

There are always several ways how to solve the problem. For example, if you want to change the image you can introduce new product, modernize the store, and improve customer service and so on. Sometimes its even better to take no action at all.

4) deciding on the best solution

Before seceding the best solution the manager has to assess each of them, consider all advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes he can use more than one option.

17.Этапы поиска рационального решения When complex problem arise manager has to collect facts and weight up courses of action. The process of problem solving can be divided into 4 steps

1 ) defining the problem.

Manager must identify the problem. It’s important not t mistake the symptoms of a problem for the real problem. As example, the falling profits can be the symptoms of a problem while the real problem can be poor image of the company, low quality of the product, ineffective management and so forth. He also must take into account the principles and rules of the company as they will limit the solution of the problem. ( for example, the rule to fill the position by their own staff rather that by hiring outside.

2) analyzing and collecting information

Include deciding which additional information is needed and a manager should collect it. However, he rarely will be able to get all the knowledge he needs

3) working out options

There are always several ways how to solve the problem. For example, if you want to change the image you can introduce new product, modernize the store, improve customer service and so on. Sometimes its even better to take no action att all.

4) deciding on the best solution

Before choosing the best solution the manager has to assess each of them, consider all advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes he can use more than one option.