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6.Взаимоотношения на работе

  • In recent years Tomas Peters and Robert Waterman wrote a book about the successful American companies and their policy.

  • In excellent companies the communications are different from those in other companies. People working in them keep in contact with each other regularly. They have many unscheduled meetings.

  • Problem:people think they have their message across when in fact they haven’t(managers must make sure that his instructions have been understood correctly.

  • Breakdown is likely to happen if there’s social distance. One way to reduce it is to cut down status symbols.(for ex. 1 dining room for all staff, open plan officescommunication easier and quicker.

  • Selective perception(выборочное восприятие)

  • To minimize such problems manager must remember that communication is a 2 way process. He should encourage staff to ask questions and react on managers words. Feedback is essential. The main question: Did u understand that?

7.Личностные качества лидера

Leadership is needed at all levels in a organisations.A typical definitions is that the leader provides direction and influences others to achieve common goals.Some research showed that there are different treats which made leaders diffent,like,being more intelligent ,more self confident,but many people with such qualities do not become leaders,and ,moreover,many leaders do not have such traits.

A researcher Ralph Stogdill reviewed a large number of projects.You can see the personal qualities which were considered important for success of a leader.They are:knowledge,emotional balance,control,self confidence,sociability,interpersonal skills,originality,creativity,dominance.

An important analysis of leadership has been made by Fred Fiedler,professor of psychology.Fielder observed how leaders behaved,and he found two basic leadership styles:

Task-motivated leaders,they tell people what to do and how to do it.They give clear orders and expect results.Their priority is getting the job done.

Relationship-motivated leaders are more people-oriented.They get their satisfaction from having a good relationship with other workers.

Throughout his work,Fiedler told that both styles could be effective in appropriate situations.

Moreover,in a book called the winning streak the authors studied leadership in some top british companies and they identified some characteristics of their chairman and chief executives,which made them good leaders:1.the leader were visioble(made regular visits,talked to the emloyees,so they felt they all work together as a team.Besides being visible,the leaders of the top companies provided(set) ,clear mission.In other words they knew where the organization is going and to told staff to follow them.Finally successful organizations have clear values .The subordinate must also protect and promote the organization values.

8.Женщины в бизнесе

Despite fighting for equal rights worldwide the situation is still far from ideal and Woman in business still face discrimination.

Activist fighting for equal rights try to solve sexual discrimination and there are some results in Western companies where more top positions are fitted by women. In Russia the situation is far from ideal.

In our country woman are last to be hired and first to fired. Risk factors as age are strongly considered. There are widespread stereotype holds that woman of childbearing age will devote more time and attention to their work. But at the age of 45 woman are considered being too close to retirement and not active to start the carrier.

In Russia we have very patriarchal mentality. When firing, women are the first as men are the ones who support the families. But actually nowadays every third child is raised by one parent and more often by woman.

Moreover woman are paid less for the same work To fight against sexual discrimination activists develop special laws, one of them passed to the first reading in Duma. They try to change society attitude to this question. So that in the future employer could go straight to the court for discrimination. We can see some changes in our society women waiting longer to get married and have children giving themselves time for study and the beginning of the carrier instead. Moreover, in major cities woman have access to the well paid job. Despite all this changes in Russia situation is not the same as in the West and usually woman are successful in business thanks to relatives, husbands and fathers.