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12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Private Company in Ukraine.

13. The Main Principles of Being a Successful Entrepreneur.

There are certain characteristics and principles of being a successful entrepreneur. One of them is avoiding the pitfalls of greed as quoted from Gandhi's teachings "wealth without work" is something to be avoided at all cost. If you are serious about becoming an entrepreneur you need to start with a plan. Without a plan, you have no clear vision or goals for your business and crafty marketers with their sales letters will most likely sucker you each and every time.

Being an entrepreneur takes self-discipline. You have to be able to put in the sweat equity involved in building a business that is worthwhile. Most successful companies didn't happen overnight. Keep in mind that you shouldn't build a business around a get rich quick model. Successful entrepreneurs take only calculated risks. Starting a business shouldn't be like gambling in Las Vegas where the barmaids become the walking sales letter and the alcohol they provide are the benefits. Before you know it, your mind is in a state of euphoric ecstasy with visions of winning, so you bite on the offer and place your bid in the smoke-filled room for your chance at the big payoff if you win or just back to the grind if you don't.

Unfortunately, this is the wrong mentality to have when it comes to owning our own business. Your character is everything. Once the euphoric drugs and being under the influence of greed has finally worn off we can once again focus on what really matters, building a lasting business that will truly benefit others.

So how do we do that? We now have the right motive. We are no longer driven by greed or just pursuing wealth for the sake of wanting to be rich. A good place to start is to take a look at our current passions and the problems we may be facing. For instance, you may have a natural talent for figuring out both people and things quickly. Why not build a business on that premise? There are plenty of people that need help and guidance in their lives; you can be their life coach. Think about what service or product you would like to see to improve your life, other than a big sack of money. I'm sure if you think it will help you in your life, it will most likely do the same for your customers. It's not so much what you do as an entrepreneur but it is more your motive and purpose of why you do it.

Most people just want the million-dollar idea but don't realize the key to its success is in the execution. They love the idea of having all that money but don't really want to do the work to achieve it. You will know that you are building a worthwhile business when you start showing concern for the welfare of others and not just concern for yourself with, "what's in it for me?" kind of thinking. True entrepreneurial success begins with developing your Godly character and pursuing your passions and not just your payday.

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