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Гаврилова Английский язык для дизайнеров.docx
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  1. Reread Text I, answer the following questions:

    1. How do we understand the meaning of the word “design”?

    2. What were the reasons of the industrial union foundation?

    3. What was the goal of the industrial union?

    4. When and where was the first institution training artists founded?

    5. What did the students study in “Bauhaus”?

  1. Match these words and expressions with their meanings and try to memorize them:

  1. the meaning of constructing or planning a) лучшие идеи и возможности

  2. economic and esthetic causes b) особенности отделки


  1. the international market c) смысл построения или


  1. the handicraft production d) восприятие смешения цветов

  2. common or ideal samples e) экономические и эстетические


  1. extra decoration of goods f) продвижение товаров

  2. the best ideas and opportunities g) ремесленное производство

  3. electric staff h) зд. электроприборы

  4. a new image i) новый облик

  5. promotion of goods j) международный рынок

  6. the peculiarities of molding k) общие или идеальные образцы

  7. colour mixing perception l) дополнительное украшение


  1. Look at the way the following words are used in Text I and then circle the relevant part of speech:

meaning (par. 1) participle noun gerund

causes (par. 2) verb noun adjective

ideal (par. 3) verb noun adjective

using (par. 3) participle noun gerund

establishment (par. 4) verb noun adjective

study(par. 5) verb noun adjective

containing (par. 5) participle noun gerund

  1. Read Text II to find answers to the given questions? text II design development in russia

    1. What was the main goal of the special commission?

The first information about design appeared in 1918, when Russian government put a task of industrial innovation according to new trends in art. So a special commission containing the heads and chief engineers from plants vital for the economy of the country was organized. The main goal of the commission was working out modern artistic ideas in building and industry and their immediate application in the production process. They wanted any everyday life thing people buy looked pleasant and attractive by appearance. They tried to brighten up even the rest to make it more comfortable and convenient.

    1. What was the principle of design development after 1920?

By a special order of Sovnarcom in 25.12.1920 there were founded several Higher Artistic Technical workshops (VHUTEMAS). Each of them had to be an institution training arts connected with industry. Many architects believed they should destroy the previous understanding of culture and only on its ruins they could build a new culture of society. At the end of the 30s design started penetrating the field of ordinary goods: some qualified artists were invited to participate in designing the first Soviet telephone, a radio-set and furniture; later the spreading of design touched shipbuilding and automobile-production.