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Part III

  • Provide the English equivalents for the following lexical items. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. прочный и основательный

  2. ряд простых геометрических форм

  3. сокращать

  4. изобразить в перспективе

с помощью красок

  1. прерывистые линии

  2. воплощать абстрактные идеи

в конкретные образы

  1. быть разбитым на куски

  2. вдохнуть жизнь в окружающий мир

  3. чистый (наивный)

  4. иллюзия глубокого пространства

  5. произвольно использовать цвет

  6. быть наполненным закрученными,

сплетенными линиями

  1. охваченный напряжением

  2. бурлящее подсознание

  3. внешний лоск

  4. криволинейные формы

  5. запутанная сеть

противоположных точек зрения

  1. причудливое украшение

  2. чувствительный и дальновидный


  1. на рубеже веков

  2. глубоко укоренившийся страх

  • Answer the questions. Give full answers

  1. Define the Formalist style of painting. At the forefront of the Formalists was Paul Cezanne. According to Cezanne, how should nature be interpreted? What technique did Georges Seurat use to portray his subjects?

  2. How did the Expressionists, such as Van Gogh and Gauguin contrast with the Formalists? How did they differ from the Impressionists? Were the Impressionists interested in incorporating industrialization in their work?

  3. What is Cubism and who was the Formalist whose work led to the development of this style? Who were the artists that made this technique popular?

  4. What was the “new art” or Art Nouveau? How did it differ from the Post-Impressionists' work?

  • Fill in the gaps, using the active vocabulary. Be ready to reproduce the sentences by heart

  1. Though first exhibiting with the Impressionists, Paul Cezanne soon looked beyond sunlight and the ever changing appearance of things. He said in a letter: “It was a necessary step. I wanted to make of Impressionism something _____________________________ as the art of the old masters.”

  2. Like Seurat, Cezanne also reduced nature to ________________________, to give solidity to his subject matter.

  3. He wrote: “The whole work should be in perspective. I am trying to ____________________________________.”

  4. The use of different perspectives within the same work helps … of motion and the passage of time __________________________________________.

  5. In 1906 Picasso and Braque developed Cubism, in which the individual object itself ____________________________ a multiplicity of perspectives.

  6. In contrast to the Formalists were the expressionists, Van Gogh and Gauguin. Paul Gauguin tried to express the mysterious, vital forces that ________________________________________________________.

  7. For his part Vincent Van Gogh said: “Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I _______________________________ so as to express myself more forcibly.”

  8. His self-portraits are ____________________________________________.

  9. Van Gogh's reality was a foreshadowing of Freud's. He painted suppressed and ______________________ overlaid by a _______________________ of civilization.

  10. The second half of the nineteenth century was a ____________________.

  11. ___________________, the artist was striving to express ___________________________ of the present and the future. It was too late to turn back from the technology he had worshipped.

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