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Part II

  • Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. Викторианская чувствительность

  2. возмущать

  3. беспристрастный взгляд

на что-либо

  1. смелый и стремительный

  2. освободиться

от искусственных условностей

  1. точная копия на холсте

  2. простое воспроизведение

  3. рисовать на открытом воздухе,

прямо с натуры

  1. мольберт; игра света

  2. зафиксировать световой эффект

на объекты

  1. аргументировать (доказывать)

  2. отдельные цветовые вкрапления

  3. вибрация и мерцание

  4. зрительный переход

одного оттенка цвета в другой

  1. приближение к полотну

  2. рассматривать

  3. предмет исследования

для кисти художника

  1. обратить творческий взгляд

  2. исследовать неуловимые реалии

  3. распределять (рассортировывать)

  4. сборище манекенов

  5. значимость красок

  • Answer the questions

  1. Why did Manet's Dejeuner sur L’Herbe offend the Parisian art world of the late 1860s? How did Manet's technique differ from the official academic art of the period?

  2. What were the Impressionists trying to capture? Were the Impressionists concerned with duplicating every detail in the scene that they were painting? How did the Impressionists’ technique change the spectator's role?

  3. What is Pointillism and who was the artist who popularized this technique?

  4. How does the invention of the camera reflect the era of technological advancement? How did the development of the camera affect some artists?

  • Finish the sentences, using the fact from the text. Be ready to reproduce the sentences by heart

  1. In the 1860s, Edouard Manet shocked the Parisian art by exhibiting this painting. ____________________________________ were disturbed by the fact that the nude lady was sitting at a picnic with clothed men.

  2. The public was ________________________________________________.

  3. Manet's scenes were realistic and ____________________________ people.

  4. Artists were fighting to ________________________ and rules of academic art, such as the _____________________ of every detail in the scene they were painting.

  5. Painters left their studios and _____________________________________.

  6. The artist set his ________________________ anywhere, before the subject he wished to capture, as if he were the camera.

  7. The Impressionist artist set for himself the goal of ____________________ and upon the atmosphere.

  8. Instead of mixing their colors on the palette, according to tradition, the Impressionists set down ________________________________ next to each other on the canvas.

  9. Let your eyes go out of focus for a moment, and notice _________________, approximating the visual experience of sunlight, created by this further ____________________________________.

  10. The artistic phase which followed Impressionism, known as Post-Impressionism,

included four individual giants of art: Georges Seurat, Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh,

and Paul Gaugin. Despite their different, individual approaches to reality, all four

painters agreed that literal external reality was a _______________________________.

  1. The artist’s job was to ________________________________________.

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