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Historical Background

  • Give the proper English equivalents. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. стремительное изменение

  2. быть исключением

  3. считаться опасным

  4. движущая сила (импульс)

  5. очень быстро

  6. небоскреб

  7. изображать обычных

(простых) людей

  1. городская (деревенская) обстановка

  2. разоблачать бесчеловечное влияние техники

  3. предсказывать

  4. сбываться (о предсказаниях)

  5. приносить плоды

  6. застывшее изображение

  7. изменение в восприятии

  8. захватить (запечатлеть)

впечатление от момента

  1. богатое наследие

  2. подробно рассматривать

внутренний мир

  • Check the spelling of the proper names

  • Charles Dickens

  • Charles Darwin

  • Victor Emmanuel

  • Kaiser Wilhelm

  • Claude Monet

  • Pierre Auguste Renoir

  • Mary Cassatt

  • Vincent Van Gogh

  • Paul Gauguin

    • Discussion. Answer the questions

  1. When did the Pre-Modern era begin? Give a one-word description of the period.

  2. Where did the impetus for change come from?

  3. What was a new architectural invention of the period?

  4. How could the rapid changes influence: 1) people’s life; 2) members of the art community?

  5. Give short sketches of the artistic movements that developed during the Pre-Modern Era.

  • Finish the sentences logically, using the active vocabulary

  1. The Pre-Modern Era was a period __________________________________.

  2. _______________________________for change during the Pre-Modern Era came from the Industrial Revolution.

  3. In the United States, for example, the iron and steel industry was growing _______________________________________________________.

  4. The necessity of providing more housing and work space brought about a new architectural invention made possible by steel: ____________________________________ .

  5. Realist painters of the Pre-Modern era portrayed ___________________________________ facing the hardships of daily life in _________________________________________________.

  6. Changes also influenced members of the art community. The Realism movement, with its _____________________________________, could not rival the newly invented camera for true reality.

  7. Thus, a new group of artists decided to make a fundamental change in art. These painters, known as Impressionists, created their works quickly so as to __________________________________________________________.

  8. A smaller group of artists post dates the Impressionists. These artists tried to __________________________________, they tried to escape it altogether.

Part I

  • Give the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. cерии литографий

инженерных подвигов

  1. делать что-либо реальным

  2. отмечать (событие)

  3. продвигаться вперед

  4. сказочный (волшебный) фасад

  5. функциональная внутренняя


  1. своды, поддерживаемые

тонкими железными колоннами

  1. скрывать за перегородкой

  2. книгохранилище

  3. огромная конструкция

из стекла и железа

  1. международная ярмарка

  2. изготавливать на заводе

  3. превращать мечты в реальность

  4. сплав железа

  5. оставить субъективные фантазии

  6. угнетенные классы

  7. обнаруживать

жестокую реальность

  1. выживание сильнейших

  2. отчаянная борьба за выживание

  3. изнурительный труд

  • Answer the questions, using the information from the tape

  1. What famous structure symbolizes the Age of Realism?

  2. What kind of impact did the development of steel have on people during the late 19th century? What did the mass production of steel plus the application of architectural technology lead to? Were people concerned with ornamentation and decoration?

  3. Describe the Realist movement in painting. Who was the leader of this movement? What were the concerns of the Realist painters?

  4. How are the theories of Darwin and Marx reflected in the late 19th-century art? Recall some of the artists whose work reflected Darwin’s survival of the fittest; review those artists who shared Marx’s belief that life was a desperate struggle to survive.

  • Fill in the gaps, using the active vocabulary. Reproduce the sentences by heart

  1. By the end of the 19th century, it was industry which produced much of what is now considered art. ____________________, such as the locomotive, are now collector's items.

  2. By the late 19th century, advances in engineering and technology ___________________


  1. The engineer Eiffel constructed his famous tower ________________________ the great Paris Exposition of 1889.

  2. Brighton Pavilion was built during the 1820s in the exotic and Oriental style favored by the Romantics. But ____________ concealed __________________.

  3. The Crystal Palace, a ____________________, was designed to house the first ___________________________ known as the “Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations.”

  4. The tremendous strength of iron girders _______________________________.

  5. Many late 19th-century artists felt that if the present were an ugly age and mankind suffered great hardships, it was the duty of art ___________________.

  6. It is no coincidence that this was the century of Darwin, whose law described ______________________, and of Marx who saw life as a ________________.

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