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Мет.указ. по проведению ПЗ(для всех спец-тей).doc
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2. Learn the following:

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. — Ешь вволю, (а) пей в меру.

Help yourself to some salad. — Попробуйте салат.

I've got that. — Я понял.

Good health is above wealth — Здоровье всего дороже.

The table-cloth is so dirty — Скатерть такая грязная

Bring me a napkin, please — Принесите мне салфетку, пожалуйста.

Pass me some salt, please — Передайте соль, пожалуйста.

Have a drop of brandy — Выпей немного бренди.

3. Translate the following words into Russian and learn them by heart:

Boil, boiled, bread, butter, cabbage, carrot, cream, ice-cream, fried, hungry, be hungry, instead, instead of somebody, jam, juice, knife (knives), lunch, marmalade, meal, meat, milk, order, plate.

4. Answer the questions:

1. How many meals a day do the English have?

2. What is usually called a "continental breakfast"?

3. When do the English usually have lunch?

4. Why do the English like "good plain food"?

5. What kind of meal is five o'clock tea in England?

6. What do the English usually have for dinner?

7. What is the traditional dish for Christmas table?

8. What other dishes are popular in England?

5. Finish the sentences:

1. The English usually have soup, meat and salad and an apple pie for...

2. I like porridge with milk and a cup of coffee for...

3. Do you take your tea with...

4. The last meal of the day is...

5. Here is the menu. What would you like to...

6. What would you prefer for dessert? — I'd like...

7. Let's go to the cafe. — Thank you,...

8. I'm on a slimming diet so for breakfast I only have...

9. I usually have four...

10. Where are you going to celebrate your birthday? — I think...

6. Learn the following words by heart:

toast – хлеб, нарезанный ломтиками и подрумяненный в тостере или на огне

Yorkshire pudding – йоркширский пудинг (жидкое пресное тесто, которое запекается под куском мяса на рашпере и впитывает стекающий сок)

marmalade — джем, конфитюр, обычно из апельсинов и лимонов, часто с цедрой (подается к утреннему завтраку)

fish and chips – рыба с картофелем во фритюре (популярное дешевое блюдо)

similar – подобный, похожий

pavement – тротуар

it can hardly be called... – вряд ли это можно назвать...

coffee bar – кафетерий

biscuit – печенье, галета

fruit pie– фруктовый пирог

special occasion – особый случай, событие

to have a chat – побеседовать, поговорить, поболтать

substantial – зд. плотный

soup – суп , main course – второе блюдо

it is common knowledge – всем известно

roast turkey – жареная индейка

Christmas pudding – рождественский пудинг (с изюмом, цукатами и пряностями)

it goes without saying – само собой разумеется

7. Translate the following words into Russian and learn them by heart:

Chop, to prefer, watery, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, cocoa, pancakes, stewed fruit, short of time, delicious, couple, various, sandwich, to begin with, to have a snack, tomato, to keep smb going, canteen, cucumber, mixed, leave much to be desired, noodle soup, to serve, mushroom soup, cabbage soup, salt, poultry, prefer, sugar, pudding, salad, be thirsty, cornflakes, canteen, bacon and eggs, plain food, steak, roast beef.