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About Myself

Let me introduce myself. My full name is Alexander Petrovich Boiko. Alexander is my first name, Petrovich is my patronymic, Boiko is my surname. I was born on the 21 of May, 19… . I am 20 years old now. At the age of seven I went to school. I was doing well during my school years. My favorite subjects were Mathematics and Chemistry. I finished school in 20… and entered Krivyi Rih Technical University, the Mining Department (department of Economics, …). I want to become an economist (an engineer, a mining engineer, an accountant, a manager). I have finished my fourth year of study and I want to enter the MA course.

My family is not large. We are 3 in the family. I have a father and a mother. They are not old at all. My father’s name is … and he is an engineer at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih. My mother’s name is … and she is an accountant.

I have a sister, too, but she is married and lives with her husband in Kyiv. She is a doctor. She has a 5-year-old son (daughter) Dima (Tanya). He (she) is my nephew (niece).

My grandparents are pensioners. They live in their own house and we often visit them.

We have many relatives. They live in different towns and villages of Ukraine and Russia. We often visit or phone each other.

I have a hobby. My hobby is surfing the Net. It helps me keep in touch with my friends and relatives. Besides, it helps me in my studies because I can find a lot of useful information there.

My Days Off

Now many people have two days off – Saturday and Sunday. On these days we do not have to hurry anywhere. We spend our days off playing computer games, reading books, watching TV, visiting friends or going to the country.

My days off are usually like this.

On Saturdays I often stay in bed till 9 or even 10 a.m. I enjoy doing nothing - I read, listen to music or watch TV and make plans for the weekend. At about 12 I phone my friends and we arrange to meet in a café or in a park. Sometimes we go to the cinema. I am fond of watching films on a big screen.

When the weather is bad I stay at home. Well, a cup of coffee, a sandwich and a computer will help settle this problem. I am fond of surfing the net –it’s great! You can do a lot of things with the help of the Internet!

On Sundays after late breakfast (about 10 or 11 o’clock) I make myself get ready for my classes. It takes me quite long to do it because I want to become a good specialist in my field. After my homework is ready I go to the gym to play basketball or volleyball with my friends.

Time passes very quickly and in the evening I have to bed early and I again look forward to my next days off!

My Working Day

My name is … . I am … years old. I am a student of Kryvyi Rih Technical University, the Department of Economics (Mining Department, …). I study hard to become a good specialist in my field.

I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. I go to the bathroom to wash and shave (бриться). Then I dress and get ready for my breakfast. Then I go to the University. It takes me 30 to 40 minutes to get there as our city is very long. I come to the University at 15 minutes to 9.

Classes begin at 9 a.m. We have 3or 4 lectures and seminars every day.

The lunch time comes at 12. We have lunch at the students’ canteen.

Our classes are over at 3.20. After classes I often go to the reading room to get ready for my seminars and colloquiums.

Sometimes I go to the gym to play basketball or volleyball.

I come home at 5 or 6 p.m. I have dinner and rest a little. Then I prepare my homework. At about 9 o’clock I have supper. Then I watch TV a little or read a book or a newspaper. I go to bed at about 11.

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