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Making a law

We all depend on other people. Those of us who live as part of a group,

perhaps a family, find that we have to follow unwritten rules which tell

us how we should behave towards the other members of our group. At the

college your timetable provides one set of rules, telling you which lesson

you should be in at a given time.

Every year Parliament passes about 100 Laws directly by making Acts

of Parliament. Parliament sometimes passes a very general law and

leaves a minister to fill in the details. Using the powers given to them

by Parliament, ministers become lawmakers themselves.

No new law can be made by Parliament unless it has completed a

number of stages in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The Queen also has to sign a Bill to show that it has been given the

Royal Assent (a formality). Only after the Royal Assent it becomes a new

law or Act of Parliament. Before this it is called a Bill.

There are two main sorts of Bill: Private and Public Bill. Private Bills

deal with local matters and individuals. Public Bills deal with matters of

public importance. Important Bills are usually sponsored by the Government.

This stage is called First Reading. It gives MPs notice that the Bill will soon

be coming for discussion. The text is then printed and read by Members

In time for the important Second Reading. Here the main purpose of the

Bill is explained by the Minister of State responsible for fisheries, and the

Bill is debated by the House.

The House then votes to decide whether the Bill should continue its passage

through Parliament.

The Bill continues to its Committee Stage where eighteen Members from

both Government and Opposition discuss it in detail, considering many possible


At the Third Reading stage, the House decided to pass the Bill as a whole.

The Bill cannot be changed at this stage - it is either accepted or rejected.

Once a Bill has passed its Third Reading in the Commons, one of the Clerks

at the Table carries the Bill to the House of Lords.

The state structure of ukraine

Ukraine is a sovereign state with its territory, high and local bodies

of state power (the Supreme council and lo­cal councils), government,

national emblem, state flag and anthem. The form of governing is

presidential republic. President is the head of the state. President

Is elected by the people of the country at a general election for

a period of 5 years. He can't be elected for more than 2 terms.

According to the laws of Ukraine a president can't be younger

than 35 years old, he must live in the country no less than 10 years,

be a citizen of Ukraine and master the national language.

The legislative power is carried out by the Parliament (or Supreme

Council) which consists of 450 members. The laws of the country

are made by them.

Executive power is carried out by the government or the Cabinet

of Ministers, which is responsible for the realization of laws adopted

by the Supreme Council.

Judicial power is performed by the System of courts, the highest of

them is the Supreme Court .

Beside the organs of power, political System of Ukraine aiso includes

political parties and social organizations.

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