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VI. Ask your classmates questions.

Ask your classmates....

if the climate of England is rather soft.

how much rain the British Isles get in all seasons.

what the wind may bring to the British Isles.

when the trees and flowers begin to blossom.

why the English never leave house without an umbrella or a raincoats.

if the English often say that they have no climate but only weather.

what the favourite topic of the conversation in the U.K. is.

VII. Answer the questions.

1.Is there ice on the lakes and rivers in winter on the British isles? Why? 2.How many variants of weather do the English have? 3.When do the famous London fogs fall? 4.English weather is changeable, isn’t it? 5.Do all parts of the British Isles get little or much rain in all seasons? 6.How is the climate of Britain usually described? 7.Where does the cold air come to England from?

VIII. Speak about the climate of the British Isles using the words:

soft, mild, temperate, influence of the Gulf Stream, humid, never very cold in winter, never very hot in summer, good for plants.

Speak about the temperature of the British Isles using the words:

in January, the average temperature, above zero, in July.

Speak about the weather in the U.K., using the words:

to get, it rains, heavily, without an umbrella, to be sure, changeable, it is difficult, same favourite topic, well-known.

IX. Match the parts of the sentences.

T he climate of England that they have no climate but only

The average temperature in weather.

January because even on a bright sunny day

Sometimes It rains so heavily one cannot be sure it is not going

to rain in a few hours

They never leave house with- is rather soft.

out an umbrella or a raincoat it is raining cats and dogs.

is 3-7 degrees above zero.

As a rule English weather is because Great Britain is situated on

s o changeable the islands surrounded by the Atlantic

They often say ocean that it is difficult to make their plans

for a day in advance

X. Give the correct ending.

1.Snow never lies...

2.Sometimes It rains so....

3.The English also say that they have...

4.The wind may bring......

5.The humid and mild climate......

XI. Make the sentences complete.

l. .....due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. 2. .....on the lakes and rivers in winter, because..... 3. .....in July is 11-14 degrees ....zero. 4. .....for the people to make their plans.......because.........5. .......one cannot be sure it is not....... 6. ......the whirlwinds and hurricanes. 7. .....are rare. 8. .....when it moves across the North Sea and brings......

XII. Write out words and sentences that help you to describe...

the climate of the U.K.

the temperature in the U.K.

the English weather

XIII.Choose the suitable words for each sentence.

1.The climate of England is rather... 2.The climate of Britain is usually....as cool.....and humid. 3.Snow never....on. the ground for long. 4.The climate of the U.K. is generally.....and temperate. 5.Even on a bright sunny day one cannot......it is not going to rain in a few hours. 6.The famous London fogs are.....to everyone. 7.It soon..... 8.The weather is never.....two days running. 9.The average temperature in January is 3-7.......... 10.The cold air which comes to England from the continent to Britain ......many clouds. 11.The trees and flowers begin.....early in....... 12.The... .and mild climate is good for....... 13.Sometimes it brings......or. ...... 14.......are rare. 15.They never leave house without.......or........

(an umbrella, soft, to blossom, a raincoat, melts, described, the same, degrees, temperate, well-known, spring, lies, above zero, whirlwinds, brings, hurricanes, mild, be sure, plants, humid, droughts).

XIV. Find the derivatives in the text.

General, rain, heavy, change, every.

Read the sentences with these words and give some more facts on the point.

XV. Prove that....

the English cannot leave the house without an umbrella or a rain­coat.

that it is not easy for the English to make plans in advance

that different winds influence the weather in Great Britain.

that the Gulf Stream influences the climate of the U.K.

that there is much rain

the English speak a lot about weather.

XVI. Find in the text the sentences that tell us about

the climate of England

the climate of the U.K.

the average temperature in different seasons of the year.

snow and rain in the U.K.

the English weather

London fogs

XVII. Translate the sentences into English.

1.На Британских островах нет льда на озерах и реках зимой. 2.Снег быстро тает. 3.Во все времена года во всех частях Великобритании идет много дождей. 4.Знаменитые лондонские туманы хорошо известны всем. 5.Даже в яркий солнечный день англичане не могут быть уверены, что через несколько часов не пойдет дождь. 6.Английская погода изменчива. 7.Холодный воздух, который приходит в Англию с континента, приносит много облаков на Британские острова. 8.Деревья и цветы начинают цвести ранней весной, благодаря мягкому влажному климату. 9.Средняя температура января 3 - 7 градусов выше нуля. 10.Погода никогда не бывает одинаковой два дня подряд, поэтому очень трудно сроить планы на будущее.

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