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6. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными и переведите их:

1. Some politicians are out of touch with the real problems of the country.

2. Phil is active in both work and play. This is a healthy way to live.

3. Loud rock music makes your ears ring after several hours at a concert or club.

4. You look kind of young to be hitchhiking around the country.

5. The unusual circumstances draw widespread media attention.

6. This letter is obviously a forgery.

7. In the early morning birds sing loudest between the first glimpse of dawn and the actual sunrise.

8. It's what I do when I feel bored.

9. Noise unnerves him much.

10. We are part of a very cosmopolitan city with great museums, symphonies, opera, theatre and restaurants.

11. Phil makes pancakes almost every morning.

12. In late afternoon, Lee turns up heavy rock music on the kitchen radio.

13. She often offers lame excuses about her being constantly late.

14. Luke watches the famous TV talk show "Psychologist" every Saturday night.

15. The psychologist urges everyone to take responsibility for a child, whether related to them or not.

16. We will keep your application secrete.

17. To avoid Ralph and his family of die-hard Republicans, Joe spends a lot of time outside every weekend.

18. Wilson is at his best here.

19. I on will have to reconsider your decision.

20. .David does research in the design of microprocessor integrated circuit.

21. His research is right on the edge of the newest computer and semiconductor technology.

22. Quickly developing technology keeps us on our toes.

23. Many researchers attend seminars and conferences to keep up.

24. It's amazing how quickly technology is moving today.

25. There is a great deal of crossover work in computer science and mathematics.

26. I like doing work on the computer.

27. Most mathematical problems require a numerical solution.

28. His educational background is US in computer design.

7. Закончите предложения, употребив операторы do, does, did, don't,

doesn 't, didn 't. Переведите предложения

1. How many years' experience of doing research ... you have?

2. The high school student ... usually learn by experience; he should

have good instructors.

3. I'm surprised to hear that. ... the broker have to check out every bit of

information he gets?

4. Some people ... have to be very ambitious or well-qualified to make a


5 ... Laura make a claim on the insurance when her car was stolen?

6. The annual premium on my policy is $250. ... you think it's too much?

7. If the profits exceed the losses it... mean that the business is OK.

8. What... your company usually do to make good the losses?

9. - What... Professor Allan teach in his last class?

- He taught grammar.

10. He made his decision instantly. He … reflect on it.

11. She … like romantic fiction - she prefers detective stories.

12.When a child, I … like hockey. I much preferred football.

13. … today's schedule include any lectures on sociology?

14. Drivers … rely on weather.

15. Andrew is very careless. He … check out the information he gets from

different people.

8. TEST ( + перевод предложений)

Part “A”

1. There … shops of the Ohio Central railway here, and manufactories of hardware. The municipality owns and operates its waterworks.

A – were B – are C – would be D – will be

2. Kenton was named in honor of Simon Kenton (1755-1836) a famous scout and Indian fighter, who took part … the border warfare, particularly in Kentucky and Ohio, during the War of American Independence and afterwards.

A – of B – about C – in D – at

3. It is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence, in a rich pastoral vale to which it …name, celebrated for its dairies, producing the famous cheese known as " double Gloucester."

A – give B – giving C – gives D – given

5. The manor of Berkeley gives … name to the noble family of Berkeley.

A – his B – her C – its D – our

6. Barter, however, is still very common in dealings … uncivilized peoples, and traders in many countries find that the most satisfactory method of effecting exchange is to furnish themselves with such commodities as weapons, tools and ornaments, which are more readily taken than money.

A – at B – of C – about D – with

7. PRICE, the equivalent in money for which a commodity is sold or purchased, the value of anything expressed in terms of a medium of exchange.

A – any B – anywhere C – anyone D – anything

8.``Why … you get married?'' said Scrooge. ``Because I fell in love.''

A – do B – did C – will D – are

9. I don't make merry … at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people merry.

A – me B – my C – myself D – mine

10. Up Scrooge went, not caring a button for that: darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it. But before he shut his heavy door, he … through his rooms to see that all was right.

A – walk B – walked C – will walk D – are walking

11. I cannot rest, I cannot stay, I cannot linger … .

A – anyone B – anything C –any D – anywhere

12. What is the name of a certain political party in the United States—not the one which controls the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government but the other one, which … ?

A – doesn’t B – does C – did D – didn’t

13. They say laughter … the best medicine.

A - be B - are C - were D – is

14. You … not tell me that you intended to go into harness.

A - do B - does C - did D – will

15. Perhaps one day, the entire world … even be smoke free.

A - do B - does C - did D – will

16. … a wife or husband liable for the other's business debts?

A - are B - am C – be D – is

17. This section … a large amount of tutorials and information about Linux.

A - contains B – contain C – contained D - to contain

18. The upright red cross … the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England.

A – be B – are C – been D – is

19. As late as 1871, when Georgetown … to be a separate city, there were multiple jurisdictions within the District.

A – ceased B – ceasing C – to cease D – ceases

20. The District of Columbia operates … own public library system with 27 branches throughout the city.

A – her B – its C – my D – his

21.In 1097, William II … the building of Westminster Hall, close by the abbey of the same name.

A – to begin B – begin C – begun D – began

22. What … one person very well may not suit another at all, and may in fact be detrimental.

A – suits B –to suit C – suited D – suit

23. … you know what is waiting for you?

A – did B – are C – does D – do

Part “B”

1. This paper (examine) several new formulations of low-order triangular shell elements with 15 and 18 degrees of freedom.

2. In Roman law no legal marriage (be) contracted unless there was connubium between the parties.

3. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I (be) going to relate.

4. ``(there/be) many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,'' returned the nephew.

5. Alaska (occupy) the northwestern portion of North America.

6. (there/be) another spike in 1976, when grumpy, growly Bob Dole denounced “Democrat wars” (those were the days!) in his Vice-Presidential debate with Walter Mondale.

7. They (make) a raid down South, I hear, last month, and burnt half a dozen Mexican villages.

8. "I suppose you will be taking the first ship back as soon as you (be) strong enough?" he said.

9. But the methods (not/help) us to improve the situation last time.

10. Although there is a municipal government and a mayor, Congress (have) the supreme authority over the city and district.

11. (there/be) two approaches to the problem of private ownership of handguns.

12. At that moment (there/be) a knock at the door of the small drawing-room.

13. Everyone (know) that India (cover) an area of fourteen hundred thousand square miles.

14. Nobody (own) the Internet, and no organization (control) its use.

15. The centers of all three branches of the U.S. federal government (be) in the District as well as the headquarters of most independent agencies

16. (you/know) how much a fully-grown adult really needs over the course of an average day?

17. In 1603, James VI of Scotland (come) to the throne of England, essentially uniting the two countries.

18. Home to a diverse range of universities, colleges and schools, London (have) a significant student population, about 378,000, and is a centre of research and development.

19. If you really want to wreck yourself, (do) both sets of exercises.

20. (how many good young players/you/have) in the country?