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1 For more vocabulary see Essential Vocabulary at the end of Unit 2.2

40. A) Fill in the chart using the information from Ex. 1.

English Word

Ukrainian Equivalent

instant coffee

white/light coffee




to starve



corn flakes

Vocabulary: Higher Education

Introductory Reading

5 8. Read the text and find out the meaning of the words in bold type.

I fall good people were clever and all clever people were good, the world would be nicer than ever. Education is a key to a good future. School is over! It's the summer when the school-leavers have no rest. Institutions of higher learning/further education (college of edncation/teacher-training college; technical college; polytechnic; university) are beginning admitting the applicants. One can get the prospectus, in which the rules of admission to the college are explained: applicants should submit their external independent evaluation (EIE) certificate1 or pass entrance exams and they can Ik- admitted to the college according to their rating.

('ollege life is something that one never forgets. It's a fascinating, Inntastic experience, no matter whether one is a full-time2 or a part- time student3. Who can forget the first day at the university? You are proud of yourself. You did it! You entered (got in to) the university!

I lien there was a solemn ceremony in front of the university building iiul serious people making speeches. Do you happen to know who they are - the rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans, heads of departments or senior lecturers? Some of them must be professors, some - associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And those are our tutors (having no academic degree). A college or university building containing living quarters for students is called a dormitory (dorm for short) or hostel.

The monitors handi out student membership cards, student iceord books and library cards - one feels like a real person. The •»emester (term) is in full swing... So many classes, so many new subjects, required and selective (electives), to put on the timetable!

I he curriculum (a list of all the courses of study offered by a college) seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials, home preparations, a real avalanche of homeworks...

If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she immediately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the

Vocabulary: Higher Education

Introductory Reading

\S'. Read the text andfind out the meaning of the words in hold type.

I! all good people were clever and all clever people were good, the vvmld would be nicer than ever. Education is a key to a good future. *•» liool is over! It's the summer when the school-leavers have no rest. Institutions of higher learning/further education (college of ulueation/teacher-training college; technical college; polytechnic; university) are beginning admitting the applicants. One can get the prospectus, in which the rules of admission to the college are

  • splained: applicants should submit their external independent t valuation (EIE) certificate1 or pass entrance exams and they can !m admitted to the college according to their rating.

< ollege life is something that one never forgets. It’s a fascinating, lanlastic experience, no matter whether one is a full-time2 or a part- time student3. Who can forget the first day at the university? You are pioud of yourself. You did it! You entered (got in to) the university!

I hen there was a solemn ceremony in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Do you happen to know who I hey are - the rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans, heads of departments or senior lecturers? Some of them must be professors, »mo - associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them Imvc high academic degrees. And those are our tutors (having no a» ademic degree). A college or university building containing living

  • (nai lers for students is called a dormitory (dorm for short) or hostel.

The monitors hand) out student membership cards, student leeord books and library cards - one feels like a real person. The s« mester (term) is in full swing... So many classes, so many new subjects, required and selective (electives), to put on the timetable!

I Ik* curriculum (a list of all the courses of study offered by a college) seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials, home preparations, a real avalanche of homeworks...

If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she immediately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the

programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. I low do you prepare for an exam? Do you study regularly, or leave it all to the last minute? Do you take extra lessons/have private tuition/private coaching (pay for a personal teacher to help you with the subject)? Do you revise/swot up (informal) (go over everything you've studied) systematically? Do you cram (try and force as much information into your head as possible) or learn it all by heart (memorise, try to remember facts etc., without necessarily understanding them). Isn’t it better just to test yourself (try to test your knowledge of something so that you really know it, rather than just learning il by heart)?

The First successes and fust failures. Someone is nervous to take/to sit/to do an exam. You can hear: ”1 have passed!" (got a good enough mark to succeed) or "Me has not given me a pass!" (have not passed). Tears and smiles... and a long awaited vacation.

The merry-go-round runs faster Assignments, written exercises, oral presentations, compositions, tests. All of them checked up and marked. "Professor, I have never played truant/skipped the lectures, I had a good excuse for missing classes”. Works handed in and handed out. "No, professor, 1 have never cheated no copying, no cribs" (to use dishonest methods to 11y and pass the exam, such as copying someone else, or hiding notes so you can read them during the exam). Some students get good/high marks (do well in the exam) others get bad/low marks (do badly in the exam). A stellar (a star performer) and a straight A (a student who always gets top marks) pass with flying colours (pass with high marks); a hard-working student or a plodder (someone who works consistently, but isn’t particularly brilliant) gets good marks, while a mediocre [jnkdi'oko] (not bad, average) passes with satisfactory marks. Abysmal (terrible) students often fail (do badly) in an exam and have to resit/to repeat an exam just to scrape a pass (only just pass).

The student body of a university or college is divided into undergraduates (they haven't got their bachelor’s degree jet) - freshmen (freshers), sophomores, junior and senior students - and graduates. Most schools also admit special students (who take a number of courses, but are not working towards a degree). Student bodies vary considerably from school to school. Some institutions are co-educational (with both men and women students). Others admit students of only one sex. A co-ordinate institution has separate men’s «ні«I women’s colleges. They are controlled by the same central authority ♦ithI ,nc usually located on the same campus or nearby campuses. The <«illcge campus has several functional institutions within it.

Meeting people, making friends, parting with people... "You know, «їй- is going to be expelled and he is going to graduate with honours". \ curly essays/projects, graduation dissertation (thesis), finals...

What? A Bachelor’s3 diploma (certificate of degree)? You menu, I've got a degree in Maths? I am a graduate! A Master’s4 diploma? I am happy! It is over!

' мршфікат зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання (ЗНО) якості знань мииуекників середньої школи

  • і \ дон г, що навчається за стандартною програмою на денному відділенні

1 « і у леї гг, що навчається в режимі неповного дня/тижня, тобто за певний період відвідує менше занять, ніж студент на повному графіку (як правило, це

  • нн уп ься студентів, які поєднують навчання і роботу)

Mm Ііеіог of Art (BA); Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Master of Art (MA); Master of Science (MSc)

a) Find in the text (Ex. 57) the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

А) Староста, декан, завідувач кафедри, асистент, ректор, доцент, •ні iv 11; їда ч без наукового ступеня, заступник декана, лектор, абітурієнт, мод; шати сертифікат ЗНО, складати вступні іспити, розклад, навчальний план, рекламний буклет навчального закладу, і іудепгеький квиток, практичне заняття, першокурсник, бакалавр, чіпацький квиток, курсова робота, старший викладач, обов’язковий предмет, залікова книжка, дипломна робота, предмет за вибором, шміуекні іспити, магістр, студент другого курсу, випускник, студент І І курсів, канікули, проректор, студентський гуртожиток.

Н) прогулювати заняття; списувати, користуватися шпаргалками; зубрити; круглий відмінник; дуже працьовитий » іудент; студент, який має видатні досягнення; бути підрахованим з ...; здавати/роздавати роботи; перевіряти і мииравляти помилки; перескладати іспит; закінчити коледж з иипнакою; складати іспити з високими оцінками; повторювати пройдений матеріал; посередній студент; впоратися з навчальним і пі вантаженням; відставати; встигати опановувати програму; юіуватися до іспиту; відвідувати додаткові заняття; займатися з ре петитором; науковий ступінь; задовільна оцінка; не скласти (провалити) іспит, надолужувати.

кіно завади - зброя, стрілянина, вбивства, насильство і кров. 4 И гадаю, що більшість кінострічок зараз спрямовані на спецефект і візуальні ефекти, тоді як сюжет часто справді дуже поганий. 5< багато гарних акторів і актрис, можливо, не таких гарних, які г» фантастично зіграли у кіно, але вони не отримають роль, бо вони негарні.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree with Todd’s opinion about the quality of the present day Hollywood movies? What is your own point of view? 2. Do you like movies with lots of special and visual effects? Give the examples of such films. Which of them is your favourite one? 3. Are films with many special effects usually very expensive? Are they also box-office hits*? Why? Give your reasons. 4. They say, that soon actors would not he needed, and the whole movie would be successfully made on the computer. Do you believe in such future prospects? Will such films be interesting, to your mind? Why (not)? 5. In your opinion, is it good that only attractive actors are shown in Hollywood movies? Would you prefer to see plain movie stars on the screen? Can you name any unattractive (or even ugly) Hollywood movie stars? Are they popular? Why?

♦касові кінофільми

  1. * Prepare a talk expressing your opinion on the problems discussed in the text.

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