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Интернет-ресурсы по межкультурной коммуникации.doc
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Зарубежные вузы, в которых можно изучать мкк

.The university of East Anglia

cross-cultural communication with business management



2.The Baptist university of the Americas

cross-cultural studies

associate of art degree


3.The uinuversity of Copenhagen

cross-cultural communication and English learning



4.The university of Sydney

master of cross-cultural communication



5.The university of Newcastle

language and cross-cultural communication


6.The University of British Columbia

UBC centre for intercultural communication

master, bachelor


.University of Jyväskylä

Admissions - Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication



2. The University of Sydney

Master of Crosscultural Communication

Bacheler, Master


3. University of East Anglia

Language and Intercultural Communication

Bacheler, Master


4. University of the Pacific

Arts in Intercultural Relations



5. The University of British Columbia

UBC Centre for Intercultural Communication

Bacheler, Master


8)The University of Manchester, http://www.manchester.ac.uk/, Language, Literacy & Communication (3 Years), Bachelor.

9)Royal Roads University, http://www.royalroads.ca/, MA in Intercultural and International Communication.

10)The American University of Paris,http://www.aup.edu/ , Master of Arts in Global Communications.

University of East Anglia, http://www.uea.ac.uk/, Cross-Cultural Communication with Business Management, Degree of Bachelor of Arts.

2)The University of Sydney, http://sydney.edu.au/, The Master of Crosscultural Communication.

,Intercultural Communication Institute


7,The University of Manchester


МКК: http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/a-z/course/?code=08815&pg=all

8,The University of Sheffield

Сайт: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/

МКК: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/courses/arts/somlal/intercultural-communication-ma

9,Edinburgh Napier University


10,University of Southern Denmark

Сайт: http://www.sdu.dk/en/


Foreign Higher Education Institutions (mostly postgraduate programs (MA):

1. American University (School of International Service), Washington, DC, USA

2. Intercultural Communication Institute, Portland, OR, USA

3. Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA, USA

4. George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

5. The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

6. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, USA

7. Newcastle University, UK

8. South China University of Technology, China

9. The School of Language and Communication Studies, UK

10. Park University, Parkville, MO, USA

11. Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

12. The University of Kansas (Department of Communication Studies), Lawrence, KS, USA

13. Horizons University, Orleans, France

14. Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Turkey

15. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA

1.МГЛУ(московский госудастрв.лингвистич.унив-тет)

Факультет межкультурной коммуникации (ФМК) является структурным образовательным подразделением Межотраслевого института повышения квалификации (МИПК) Московского государственного лингвистического университета. Факультет образован в 2003 году на базе факультета повышения лингвистической квалификации и факультета общепереводческой подготовки и переквалификации специалистов МИПК.

Основной задачей Факультета является удовлетворение потребностей личности и общества в приобретении послевузовского дополнительного профессионального образования в избранной сфере трудовой деятельности.

Факультет осуществляет переподготовку специалистов с высшим образованием без отрыва от производства по 5 образовательным программам:

♦ Межкультурная коммуникация и перевод (2 года при 18 аудиторных часах в неделю; госдиплом)

♦ Межкультурная коммуникация (английский язык) (1 год при 16 аудиторных часах в неделю; госдиплом)

♦ Межкультурная коммуникация (английский язык) (2 года при 16 аудиторных часах в неделю; госдиплом)

♦ Перевод в сфере профессиональной коммуникации (1 год при 16 аудиторных часах в неделю; госдиплом)

♦ Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации (1 год при 16 аудиторных часах в неделю; госдиплом)

2.Университет Пенсильвании.

Тип: Campus

Уровень: Мастера




the university of british columbia

Объявление: ICAP в настоящее время завершил свою набора студентов до осень 2011 года. Тем не менее, UBC продолжения обучения недавно добавили новую программу поддержки студентов, уровень подготовки. Новая программа называется IUSPP, Международная программа студенческого Подготовка исследования.вход требования немного выше, чем для ICAP, но он также включает в себя элементы кредитного обучения в UBC.Пожалуйста, следуйте IUSPP ссылку , чтобы узнать больше.

"Выбор ICAP является хорошим выбором для меня в моей поездке обучения за рубежом".

ICAP Студенческая WU Вэнь - май 2009

Прием в учебную программу без навыков для выполнения и не имеет большого значения. Студенты, не имеющие необходимых навыков, чтобы преуспеть в своей работе студентов риск снижения их оценки, отсутствие входа в крупный или магистратуру в будущем или что еще хуже, их изгнание из университета.

Межкультурная программа улучшения коммуникаций (ICAP) предназначена для повышения производительности студентов за счет:

•академической курсовой работы

•межкультурные знания и практики коммуникации

•критического мышления, развитие навыков


•Размещение студентов программы

Студенты в ICAP зарегистрироваться в трех учебных курсов выбраны из области искусства, бизнеса, науки и музыки и опыт полный рабочий день программы обучения в рамках объяснения североамериканских академической культуры и ожиданий. Такое сочетание академического и навыках обучения идеально подходит для студентов, желающих готовить себя для научных и культурных потребностей обучающихся в международной обстановке.

Короче говоря, ICAP готовит иностранных студентов не только признание, но для успеха в бакалавриат.

Межкультурная программа улучшения связи (ICAP) не является кредитной программы, предлагаемые продолжение исследований, Университет Британской Колумбии.



The University of Sydney;

Master of Crosscultural Communication;

Bachelor's degree.

2) http://www.uea.ac.uk/lcs/courses/ba-cross-cultural-communication-with-business-management;

University of East Anglia;

BA Cross-Cultural Communication with Business Management;

Bachelor's degree.

3) http://www.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/search2012/atoz/course/?code=00270;

The University of Manchester ;

Language, Literacy & Communication (3 Years) [BA];

Bachelor's degree.

4) http://www.royalroads.ca/program/intercultural-and-international-communication-ma;

Rayal Roads University;

MA in Intercultural and International Communication;

Master's degree

5) www.cumc.columbia.edu;

Columbia University;

Bioethical Cross-cultural Education;

Bachelor's degree.

6.Northland Baptist Bible College (www.ni.edu). Faculty of Arts and Cross-Cultural Studies.(BA).

7. The University of Melbourne ( www.unimelb.edu.au). Faculty of Multilingualism and Cross-cultural communication. Master Degree.

8. Cardiff University (www.cardiff.ac.uk). The Faculty of English language and communication. BA.

9.University of Birmingham (www.birmingham.ac.uk). Cross-Cultural Communication for postgraduate students. Master Degree.

10.University of Oregon (www.uocatalog.uoregon.edu). The faculty of Cross-Cultural ommunication, Indigenous Cultural Studies, and Ethnic Identity. BA.

  1. University of the Pacific

  2. Arts in Intercultural Relations

  3. Master

  4. http://www.pacific.edu/Academics/Schools-and-Colleges..

  5. 7. The University of British Columbia

  6. UBC Centre for Intercultural Communication

  7. Bachelor, Master

  8. http://cic.cstudies.ubc.ca/

  9. 8. The University of Sydney

  10. Master of Crosscultural Communication

  11. Master

  12. http://sydney.edu.au/courses/Master-of-Crosscultural-Communication

  13. 9. Universityof East Anglia

  14. Language and Intercultural Communication

  15. Bachelor, Master

  16. http://www.uea.ac.uk/

  17. 10. Universityof Jyväskylä

  18. Admissions - Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication

  19. Master

  20. https://www.jyu.fi/en

  21. 1)Language, Literacy & Communication (3 Years) [BA] (The University of Manchester)Ссылка www.manchester.ac.uk

  22. Language, Literacy &

  23. Communication (3 Years) [BA]..

  24. 6. The University of Melbourne Cross-cultural communication http://www.coursesearch.unimelb.edu.au/#/?PathId=81&List=interests

  25. 7.Intercultural Communications Colleage in Hawaii http://icchawaii.edu/

  26. 8. University of East Anglia MA Language and Intercultural Communication http://www.uea.ac.uk/

  27. 9. Seffield Hallam University MA Professional Communication http://www.shu.ac.uk/

  28. 10. The University of Sydney Master of Crosscultural Communication http://sydney.edu.au/

  29. http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/students/courses/postgraduate/taught/business/marketing-msc-modules/cross-cultural-communication.aspx University of Birmingham. For Postgraduate Students. Cross-Cultural Communication.

  30. 2. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ecls/about/subjectareas/ccc/ Newcastle University. Cross Cultural Communication. MA in Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC)

  31. 3. http://uocatalog.uoregon.edu/liberalarts/international%20studies University of Oregon .Cross-Cultural Communication, Indigenous Cultural Studies, and Ethnic Identity. BA.

  32. 4. http://www.aup.edu The American University of Paris. Master of Arts in Global Communications. The Master of Arts in Global Communications

  33. 5. http://gradschool.ni.edu/academics/master-of-arts/cross-cultural-studies/ Northland International University. The Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Studies. The Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Studies degree is an expression of Northland’s deep commitment to global evangelism and discipleship.

  34. 6.

  35. 7.Michigan Technological University, Bachelor in International and Intercultural Communication. www.mtu.edu/

  36. 8.Union University, Bachelor in International and Intercultural Communication. www.uu.edu/

  37. 9. Newcastle University, Cross-Cultural Communication and International Relations – (M.A.) www.ncl.ac.uk/

  38. 10. Horizons University, MA in Cross-Cultural Communication. www.horizonsuniversity.org/

  39. 1) http://sydney.edu.au/courses/Master-of-Crosscultural-Communication;

  40. The University of Sydney;

  41. Master of Crosscultural Communication;

  42. Bachelor's degree.

  43. 2) http://www.uea.ac.uk/lcs/courses/ba-cross-cultural-communication-with-business-management;

  44. University of East Anglia;

  45. BA Cross-Cultural Communication with Business Management;

  46. Bachelor's degree.

  47. 3) http://www.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/search2012/atoz/course/?code=00270;

  48. The University of Manchester ;

  49. Language, Literacy & Communication (3 Years) [BA];

  50. Bachelor's degree.

  51. 4) http://www.royalroads.ca/program/intercultural-and-international-communication-ma; Rayal Roads University;

  52. MA in Intercultural and International Communication;

  53. Master's degree

  54. 5) www.cumc.columbia.edu;

  55. Columbia University;

  56. Bioethical Cross-cultural Education;

  57. Bachelor's degree.

  1. 6)The University of Sydney, MCC

  2. http://sydney.edu.au/courses/Master-of-Crosscultural-Communication

  3. 7) University of East Anglia, BA, duration: 3 years

  4. http://www.uea.ac.uk/lcs/courses/ba-cross-cultural-communication-with-business-management

  5. 8) Newcastle Univrsity, MA

  6. http://www.ncl.ac.uk

  7. 9) Gotland Univesity, BA

  8. http://mainweb.hgo.se/amnen/interkommunikation.nsf/($all)/94AA36B775E65F1DC125726600527731?OpenDocument

  9. 10) University of Oregon, MA

  10. http://intldept.uoregon.edu/graduate/program

  11. Newcastle University

  12. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ecls/about/subjectareas/ccc/

  13. School of Education,Communication and Language Sciences.

  14. Newcastle University offers a varied suite of Masters level Cross Cultural Communication pathways. The aim of the MA in Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) is to enable those enrolled to meet the growing need for increased knowledge about, expertise in and communication-focused training in cross-cultural communication.

  15. The MA in CCC will be relevant for persons who wish to take seriously the study of communication, language and culture, as well as those intending to work, or already working, in international and cross-cultural environments where communication is an essential aspect of that work

  16. 7 University of Regina

  17. http://www.uregina.ca/international/for-faculty-staff/workshops.html

  18. Cross Cultural Workshops UR International is committed to fostering positive cross-cultural exchange. We offer free training sessions and workshops in cross cultural communication to staff, faculty and students. The workshops focus on what it means to be a cultural being, the role of values and expectations in behaviour and judgements, and intercultural problem-solving processes.

  19. 8 The George Washington University

  20. The Elliott School of International Affairs

  21. http://elliott.gwu.edu/academics/grad/gc/

  22. Students take a rigorous academic program that prepares them both intellectually and professionally for exciting careers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. A core curriculum focuses on communication, international politics, international economics, and research methods. Required skills courses on topics such as developing communication strategies, cross-cultural communication, public speaking, and editing prepare students for careers in global communication.

  23. 9 University of East Anglia

  24. http://www.uea.ac.uk/

  25. MA Language and Intercultural Communication

  26. This module explores how students can become more effective communicators in international settings, by developing their intercultural competence. It is relevant to those wishing to pursue careers in international management and multilingual business. Invited speakers will introduce students to how intercultural communication operates in specific government and business organisations.

  27. 10 Seffield Hallam University

  28. MA Professional Communication

  29. http://www.shu.ac.uk/

  30. If you work in or want to work in a role involving organisational or corporate communications, this course is for you. It develops your skills and knowledge in persuasion, strategic communication and public relations. The course content is both theoretical and practical. It reflects the diversity of issues, media and concerns of current practice in corporate communications