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1.The problem of context in stylistics. Contextual meaning. Tropes: figures of substitution (metaphor, personification, metonymy, epithet, antonomasia, hyperbole, meiosis, litotes, irony)

Text is a highly organized structure. In general sense context can be defined as an environment of a linguistic unit. Two types of context are generally differentiated: linguistic and extra linguistic, Situational C can be : Single, Typical, Social and historic.

Linguistic context is a set of conditions in which the meaning of language unit is unambiguously realized. The main function of the linguistic context is to eliminate the polysemy of the word. The context that extends the meaning of the language unit is called stylistic context.

Metaphor- is the transference of the name of one object into another object based on the similarity of the objects.

Ішов ночей повільний караван (Л. Костенко).

We all want a little patching and repairing from time to time.

зозуля – мати, що покидає дітей

Personification(уособлення, персоніфікація)- Personified inanimate objects or things are substituted by personal pronouns he or she and in most cases are written in capital letters: In the book Alfred found Love which was hiding herself between the pages. / Думи мої, думи мої! Лихо мені з вами!

Antonomasia (or renaming – перейменування) is a kind of metaphor in which the nominal meaning of a proper noun is suppressed by its logical meaning or the logical meaning of a common noun acquires the new nominal component.

e.g. He took little satisfaction in telling each Mary shortly after she arrived something…

Epithet - is a figurative, expressive attribute that emphasizes the most prominent, leading feature of a thing or phenomenon.

From semantic point of view epithets are fixed , effective and figurative. Fixed epithets are epithets which due to the long and frequent usage have become inseparable unities: true love, merry Christmas, dead silence, буйний вітер.

Metonymy- is transference of the name of one object into another object, based on the principle of contiguity(близкість) of the two objects. For ex: The word press stands for all printed or broadcasted information as well as people working in this sphere.

Irony is a stylistic device based on the simultaneous realization of two logical meanings-dictionary and contextual, but the two meanings stand in opposition to each other. It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one's pocket. / Він такий розумний, що йдва плюс дване второпає.

Hyperbole- is stylistic device in which emphasis is achieved through deliberate exaggeration of a certain quality of an object or phenomenon. to be scared to death, thousand pardons, чекати цілу вічність, вмирати від цікавості, робити з мухи слона, etc.

Meiosis and Litotes- is deliberate diminution of a certain quality of an object. It is opposite to hyperbole. There is a drop of water left in the bucket. / Ні гроша вкишені.

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