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Diseases of the respiratory tract

  1. What organs does the respiratory system consist of? What is their anatomy?

The respiratory system is divided anatomically into two parts,the upper and lower respiratory tracts,which are separated by the pharynx. In the respiratory tract there are such organs as the nose,sinuses,nasopharynx,larynx,trachea etc.

  1. How many functional components does the respiratory system comprise? What are they?

The respiratory system is divided anatomically into two parts. Upper respiratory tract comprises a system of interconnected cavities, the nose, paranasal sinuses and the nasopharynx, and is principally involved in filtering and adjusting the temperature of inspired air. Lower respiratory tract begins at the larynx then continues into the thorax as trachea before dividing into numerous orders of smaller airways to reach the alveoli.

  1. What is respiration? What types of respiration do you know?

Respiration is a term used to describe two different but interrelated processes:cellular and mechanical respiration.

  1. What are diseases of respiratory tract charactirized by?

Diseases of respiratory tract charactirized by cough, producing of sputum, dyspnea, gradually increasing breathlessness after exercises etc.

  1. What is pulmonary emphysema? What can it result from?

Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic lung disease in which the normal lung structure, break down allowing air into areas, from which it is normally excluded. Emphysema is often seen at an advanced stage of chronic bronchitis.

  1. What is pulmonary emphysema usually associated with?

Emphysema is also associated with other factors, such as smoking, asthma, and a lot

respiratory and occupational diseases. Heavily poluted air aggravates lung disoder that lead

to emphysema.

  1. What is asthma? What are it types?

Asthma is a disease of airways that is characterized by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to a lot of stimuli.Now we can describe two broad groups: allergic and idiosyncratic,with the latter being subdivided further into several specific categories.

  1. What are the symptoms of asthma?

The symptoms of asthma consist of a triad of dyspnea, cough and wheezing.In its most typical form asthma is an episodic disease and all three symptoms coexist. Attacs often occur at night, for reasons which are not clear. 39. What is lung abscess?

Lung abscess can be defined as a lesion of the lung parenchyma that contains purulent material.

  1. What may lead to lung abscess?

Obviously a lung abscess must have cause, and both expressions reflect the previous inability to identify the etiologic agents; improved collection and microbiologic techniques now permit isolation of pathogenic microorganisms from most patients with lung abscess; therefore the terms shoud be abandoned.

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