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Kidney diseases

  1. What does the urinary system consist of?

The anatomical structure included in the urinary system are the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and the urethra.

  1. What are the kidneys, what is their anatomy?

The two kidneys are the excretory organs, the remaining portions being the channels through which the urine passes in order to leave the body. The kidneys are situated behind peritoneum on the either side of the spinal column, and extend from the twelfth dorsal above, to the third lumbar vertebra below. A fibrous capsule surrounds the secreting tissue which consists of glomeruli and tubules. The latter open into pelvis which may be regarded as the expanded upper end of the ureter.

  1. What are the principal physiological functions of the human kidneys?

One of the function of the kidneys is to keep the composition of the blood more or less constant. In addition to excreting water,the excess of salts and other substances taken in the diet but not required by the body for purposes of metabolism, toxins, drugs and the waste products of metabolism are also removed from the circulation. Among the most important of the latter is the nitrogen-containing material derived from broken-down proteins which leaves the kidneys in the form of a compound known as urea.

  1. What factors may cause kidney diseases? Name the diseases.

Kidney disease may caused by many factors,such as injury, infection, cancer or disoders in other parts of the body. In some cases, kidney disease may occur without apparent cause.

There are such kidney disease as acute renal failure, renal arterial occlusion, acute and chronic pyelonephritis,polycystic kidney etc.

  1. What are the symptoms and signs of kidney diseases?

The symptoms of kidney disease depend on underlying cause. They are often mild and vague until a late stage in the disease. Kidney disease may cause an increased amount of urine to be formed, leading to abnormality frequent urination. Some kidney disease, such as acute nephritis, may cause blood in the urine. Other symptoms of kidney include acute abdominal pain, and generalized oedema, which is swelling due to the acumulation of water in the body tissues.

  1. How to investigate kidneys diseases?

Suspected kidney disease can be investigated in various ways. Chemical testing of the urine detects the presence of any abnormal substances. Examination of urine through a microscope may detect blood or white blood cells resulting from infection. Tests that measure the amount of urea and creatinine in the blood help detect kidney disease.

  1. What may cause urinary obstruction?

A stone in the ureter may cause urinary obstruction.

  1. What are the clinical manifestations of urinary obstruction?

The urinary obstruction results in reverse pressure of the urine into the kidney, producing distention and progressive loss of function.

  1. What is acute renal failure?

The term acute renal failure has been used loosely to include all forms of acute urinary supression, generally secondary to acute parenchymal damage.Acute tubular necrosis indicates the clinical and pathologic syndrom which results when renal excretory function is temporarily lost because of renal tubular degeneration caused by renal ischemia or toxic agent.

  1. What are the symptoms of acute renal failure?

In the majority of cases, acute tubular necrosis is characterized by a period of oliguria and increasing clinical and chemical evidence of renal failure.Durind first few days of oliguria, the clinical picture is dominated by the underlying illness. The urine is scanty and usually bloody. Fever is uncommon after the first day or two. Leukocytosis is the rule with or without infection. Can be pulmonary edema, coma, convulsions, anemia, stric=king weight loss etc.

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