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1.What procedures are used to establish diagnosis? The number of different procedures is used to establish the diagnosis: the first step is taking a history. First of all, called general info about the patient: his name, age, place of birth and occupation. The next step is functional inquiry: the family history, history of the present disease, the past history. 2.What is scheme of examination? Dentists use 2 kinds of examination: visual and physical. 3.What should a dentist investigate during a visual and physical examination? During the visual examination dentist should pay attention to the face and mouth, which are inspected for marked asymmetry, lesions or disproportions. A patient may have severe periodontal disease, caries or poorly fitting appliances that interfere with chewing. During the physical examination dentist should investigate: the number of teeth, their colour and state bleeding gums and their conditions, the position of the tongue, occlusion, lesions, calculus and oral hygiene. 4.What symptoms and signs may indicate different disorders? Different symptoms and signs may indicate different disorders. Inability to chew food well suggest insufficient teeth for proper mastication, poorly fitting dental appliances, loose or disorders affecting the temporomandibular joint or the muscle of mastication. 5.What can be the cause of slight facial asymmetry? Slight facial asymmetry is universal. It may be due to preferential chewing on the side causing unilateral enlargement of the masticatory muscles, differences in the contour of the dental archers, angulation of the teeth on the side compared to the other or combinations of these. Check contours defend mainly on posterior teeth. 6.What is potential source of infection into surrounding alveolar bone and why? A tooth with decay involving the pulp is a potential source of infection, into surrounding alveolar bone. 7.What studies may be necessary for a dentist after examination? After the examination dentists go on the laboratory studies if it`s necessary. Studies can be instrumental and laboratory. The instrumental studies are X-ray, electricity, pain experienced when teeth are tapped with a tongue depressor, cold or hot stimuli, drilling without anesthesia. The laboratory studies are chemical and bacteriological methods, studies of the saliva and plaque. 8.What are the points of history inquiry? Speak on each point. The family history, history of the present disease, the past history. The history first establishes the patient`s immediate complaint. This is a description of symptoms: pain, soreness, swelling, bleeding, stiffness of movement. In the past history attention should be paid to past diseases. Finally, comes the family history with the hereditary development factors. 9. What instruments does the dentist use for examination of dental and periodontal tissues? In the examination of dental and periodontal tissues the use of such instruments, as probe, mirror, cotton wool, forceps is demanded. 10. What are the instruments for teeth extraction? Straight forceps – for extracting incisors and canines. S-shaped forceps – for extracting premolars. 11. What methods of sterilization do you know? Microorganism can be killed by steam chemical solution, ultra violet light radiation. 12. What are the duties of chair-side assistant? During the examination a chair-side assistant exchanges instruments and materials, prepares the patient, make oral evacuation, keep tongue and tissue retraction. 13. What are the steps of filling a cavity? To chip away the decayed enamel with an enamel chisel. To drill out the cavity with a handpiece or bur. To remove the remaining cavities with en excavator. 14. What dental specialties do you know? There are such dental specialties, as orthodontist, oral surgeon, pedodontist, periodontist, prosthodontist, endodontist, dental hygienist, dental laboratory technician, dental assistant. 15. What is myasthenia gravis? Tell us about clinical picture and treatment. Myasthenia – neuro-muscular disease, which is characterized by muscle weakness. There are 2 types: localized and generalized. There are such symptoms: ptosis, skeletal muscle, weakness, muscle fatgability, difficulty in chewing, an inability to close the mouse and a flaccid tongue. To treat this problem we need neurologist`s consultation, operative treatment and steroid hormones. The complication of the myasthenia can be convulsions, myasthenic crises, paralysis. And the diagnosis… 16. What is the aim of Ukrainian Health Service? The aim of health care institution is to provide adequate care to the Ukrainian people. 17. What is the structure of Ukrainian Health care system? The network of medical institutions comprises a lot of hospitals, policlinics, research institutions, maternity homes, women`s consulting centers, first aid stations. 18. Is medical care provided free of charge? The public health service is partially financed by the state budget. 19. How are young mothers socially protected? Mothers are given maternity leaves and paid leaves until the baby is 3 years old. 20. What is the main emphasis laid on in Ukraine? The main emphasis in Ukraine is laid on prevention or prophylaxis. 21. What infectious diseases have been eradicated in Ukraine? Such diseases as cholera, plaque, smallpox and many others have been eradicated. 22. What are the most important problems in the medical science in present? The most important problems in Ukraine in medicine is cardio-vascular diseases , cancer, AIDs and consequences of Chernobyl accident. 23. What are the problems of up-to-date dentistry? Periodontal diseases ,gum diseases, malocclusion are the problems in today`s dentistry. 24. What are the main parts of Dental Service in Great Britain? Describe each. There are three parts of Dental Service. They are General Dental Service, the Dental Practice Board and Family Health Service Authorities. The Board is required to consider all dental estimates forms. General Dental Service provide dental treatment. And the FHSAs have a strategic role in planning dental services. 25. Speak about the historical development of dental care in GB? The historical development of the British dental practioners dates back early as 1916. Due to a shortage of dentists in the School Dental Service, auxiliaries known as ``dental dressers`` were employed to clean, fill and extract teeth for school children. 26. What agency is responsible for providing strategy in planning dental services? Family Health Service Authorities 27. Is medical treatment free or charge? What do patients pay for? In GB most medical treatment is free of charge, but charges are made for drugs, spectacles and dental care. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor from abroad who becomes ill while staying in the country, but those who comes specially for treatment must pay for it. 28. Do patients and doctors have freedom of choice? What is it? Yes, they have. They may choose between the NHS and private treatment. And the dentists and doctors have freedom of choice, too. They can choose whether they want to join the NHS or to have private practice. 29. What dental problem face the dentistry in GB? The most huge problems are all levels of caries, occlusal lesions in children, oral malignancy and orthodontic problems. 30. What are the current researches in GB? The UK is strong in research an oral soft tissues, oral microbiology and oral immunology, craniofacial development, oral epidemiology and caries prevention.

31. What are the main priorities for research? The main priorities are the implications of changing patterns of dental disease and clinical practice. 32. What are the dental needs of an aging population? This is the group most at risk of developing oral malignancies. Diagnosis, prevention and management need to be improved. 33. What are the factors which influence the level of demand? The demand for dental services is significantly responsible to changes in dental fees – the higher fees, the lower the demand. Other factors that influence the level of demand include income, family, size, education level, health history, ethnicity and age of patient. Also caries has been the primary foundation of the demand for dental services in modern times. 34. What are the main concerns of many dentists in the USA? Dentists provide a valued service in their communities, establish strong relationships with their patients and are much regarded for their integrity, compassion and skills. 35. How is dental care provided in the USA? The American Dental Association gives to public the access to dental care without artificial barriers and controls a coordination between the dental profession and the financing institution. 36. Is dental care free or charge in the USA? Most dentists provide free or discounted care to people who otherside could not afford it, but charity is not enough. 37. What programs are used for poor people? Speak on them. Clinical practice include such programs, as community water fluoridation, oral screening and sealant programs for poor, geographically isolated people, individuals with disabilities. There are two programs – Medicaid(for poor and dependent) and Medicare(for aged). 38. What is the role of geographic imbalance in the dental workface? There is pronounced geographic imbalance in the dental workforce. One of the reasons for these imbalance is the rapid shifts that are occuring in the USA population. The Dental profession has supported the freedom of movement of dentists in the USA. 39. What are the main problems of dental service in the USA? The main problem for the dental profession is that all americans should be able to receive the dental care they need, regardless of their financial ,geographic or health status. 40. What is the guiding vision of the future dentistry in the USA? The guiding vision of the future dentistry is that every individual who needs oral health care will access that care from oral health care providers, who are educated and skilled in the current best practices using the latest and most appropriate technology.

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