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Chapter 12

Monday morning found Erin sitting in another LA traffic jam, which immediately brought to mind the way her father had treated Jamie the previous Saturday. Erin cringed at his words. Funny she never remembered him being that gruff when she was a child. Then he had treated his little girls like princesses, spoiling them with all the material possessions imaginable. Somehow Erin had not succumbed to the material girl scenario, but unfortunately her sister had not escaped that particular fate. Bridgett always had to have the best of everything, not that she was greedy; just the opposite, she was generous, always giving to charities, sharing her vast wealth, but still she wanted a lot and the most expensive of it. Bridgett was most like their father in that respect and Erin had taken more after her mother, actively participating in charity affairs, besides just making donations.

Erin sat in the taxi, hearing the blaring of horns and the shouting of obscenities. While she didn’t mind the expense of taking taxis to the city when she needed to, it was the annoyance of it all. Visually challenged people may be able to live normal lives, but being sightless did present a heavy set of hassles. Not being able to drive yourself was at the top of the list. She had considered on several occasions, getting her own car and driver. While it may not prevent her from wiling away many hours stuck in traffic, at least she would have someone she knew, to talk to. But at the same time, she never saw herself with a servant and even though she would pay a hefty salary for the service they would provide, to her it would still feel like a servant. She had been on the fence about this issue for some time, but there were other pros and cons to factor in as well.

She was still pondering, when the driver announced they had arrived at her building. She handed him the usual three twenties, telling him to keep the change. Artemis guided Erin through the crowded lobby of the Meridian building, which housed rehearsal halls, conference rooms and some offices for Moonlight productions. Once inside the elevator, Erin pushed the number five button and after three stops to pick up more passengers, she and Arte departed. Making her way to the first left, she then walked eighteen steps down the carpeted corridor. Entering the open door, she was greeted, unhappily by Mr. Tyler.

"Well, look what the cat, or should I say dog, finally decided to drag in." His feet were propped up on the large round table and he drank from a white Styrofoam cup.

"Don’t start with me Ethan."

"What, didn’t we have a good weekend?" he mocked, condescendingly. "Or a good week for that matter. Thank you so much, by the way. I went down to San Diego and scored big time, three different girls in five days, that’s a new record." He gloated, thinking he’d make her jealous.

"Your mother must be proud."

"She is, thanks." Ethan went to the refreshment table and returned to her side with a cup full of steaming, black coffee. She accepted reluctantly. "So you never did answer my question, how was your time off?"

"Not that’s it’s any of your business Ethan, but my weekend was fantastic. It’s my morning that’s turning out lousy, coincidentally just since I walked in the door. Now lets get to work."

A morning filled with a tug of war, of words, plotlines and character direction, followed at a snails pace. Around noon, the ringing of her cell phone halted yet another debate.

"Hello, and thank you whoever you are." She knew it could only be one of a hand full of people who had the number.

"Well, thank you to you too beautiful," Jamie purred with a smile. "What’s up, you sound a little frustrated?"

"That’s putting it mildly. But, I don’t want to waste our time talking about that. It is so good to hear your voice though." Erin continued her hushed conversation off to the side of the room. Artemis kept nosey ears from getting to close.

Ethan concentrated really hard and was able to make out a stray word here and there. He could tell by the tone of her voice and the smile on her face that she was very happy to be talking to whoever it was. I don’t believe it. She’s got a boyfriend. Damn. No wonder she’s been refusing me. I think a little more research on that luscious little blonde is definitely in order.

"I’ll talk to you tonight Jamie. Bye." Erin flipped the small phone closed and informed Mr. Tyler that she was leaving for lunch.

"I don’t suppose it would do any good to ask you to have lunch with me, would it?"

"Now that’s the first smart thing you’ve said since I met you. I’ll be back in an hour and a half."

Ethan stood by the window watching Erin and her canine companion leave. He turned around to a view of the busy city below. "Now I just have to find out who this Jamie guy is," he muttered aloud. "She probably met him at the beach where she lives. He’s probably one of those blonde surfer duds with three brain cells in his head."

Bridgett came to Erin’s that night, not wanting to have their conversation over the phone. They sat on the deck drinking iced tea as if it were any ordinary day. For Erin it was, for Bridgett it definitely wasn’t.

"So how long have you...and...Jamie been...you know?"

Erin gave a half smile at her sister’s hesitancy. "I fell in love with Jamie right away. And I am in love, Bridgett. What I feel for her is no different then what you feel for Brad. I want the same things you have. Someone to share everyday with. Someone to laugh along me at the joys and someone to lend me a shoulder and dry my tears through the pains. I want to grow old with Jamie and have a life’s worth of memories to look back on."

Bridgett looked out over the ocean, as a wave crashed in. She’d never given a seconds thought to the gay lifestyle. Why would she, it certainly had no personal meaning for her. She knew they were around, but she had never met any. They were certainly detectable with their outlandish behavior and personalities. She looked back over to the sister she’d known for twenty-seven years; the little girl, she’d taught how to swim, the little girl who played with dolls. The teenager who she went shopping with for clothes, too many times to remember. How can she be one of them? She certainly doesn’t act like that. Then again neither does Jamie. Rust colored brows drew together with an earth shattering revelation. She’s not one of them. Because there are no them. We are just people who happen to be different in that one aspect of our lives. Bridgett dropped her head and silently laughed at her own ignorance. She took another look at her beautiful and gentle sister. I still don’t want her to be hurt. "Is that what Jamie wants?" she finally asked.

Erin hesitated and swirled the ice around in her glass. "I believe it’s what she wants. But I need to help her understand it’s what she needs. She has some issues from her past to deal with."

"And you’re willing to take on someone, with that kind of emotional baggage?"

Erin didn’t like that comment. "I’m not taking her on, she’s not a servant. I love her. And I know she loves me. And I intend to, willingly, help her with any problems she ever has. Jamie is a good person. Now to get back to your first question, we, mutually, confessed our love Friday night." Her smile returned at the thought of the blush that was about to rise to her sister’s face. "But we have yet to...you know. But... you know ...we will." Erin gave her a teasing smile and she heard Bridgett shuffle in her seat and drink down about half her beverage.

The red head may have accepted it, but it still was going to take some getting used to. "So...how… long have you been...?"

"Say the word Bridgett, gay or lesbian. It won’t bite you or make you gag. At least I hope not," she added sadly.

Bridgett gave herself a mental kick. I’m being ridiculous. This is my sister and I’m making her feel like she’s doing something wrong. She cleared her throat. "How long have you been gay?"

"I was born that way."

"Right. I’m sorry. I guess I mean when did you realize it? I mean you did date Jason for two years."

Erin turned in her chair to face Bridgett, now that the situation seemed a little more comfortable. "I guess I suspected when I was about fifteen. But everything was so confusing for me. I didn’t have anyone to talk to."

Bridgett flinched, knowing she wasn’t there for her at the time.

"You remember the way Dad was pressuring me into dating?" Erin sighed. "Maybe I was using Jason. I knew I would never fall in love with him."

"Jason really cared about you Erin. I don’t think he would blame you for anything. I really am glad that you can be yourself now. And if Jamie makes you happy, than I’m happy for you." She pulled her sister in for a loving hug.

"Thanks Brig. That helps a lot."

They moved inside when Erin suggested dinner. Bridgett reached into the drawer for silverware when another thought occurred to her. "Erin, is...will Jamie be your...first. I mean, I know you aren’t the kind who is interested in… casual sex... so..."

"Do you really want to know Bridgett?"

"Yes. But I guess that answers my question. Besides I told you about my first."

Erin chuckled. "Oh, I don’t mind telling you. I just want to be sure you’re comfortable talking about this."

"I am. I mean I certainly don’t need details, but I would like to know, so I can understand more about you. I thought I knew everything, but..."

Erin smiled. "I am really glad we can talk about this. Thank you." They sat down to eat. "When I was in college..."

Tuesday and Wednesday brought a repeat of the same headaches for Erin, except that Ethan did seem to be a slightly more agreeable and he had slacked off on his advances...a little. But she was determined to see this project through and to her satisfaction. Hearing Jamie’s voice every night and the thought of being together on the weekend got her through almost anything.

The first three days of the workweek seemed to sail by for Jamie. Sitting at her computer seemed much more enjoyable lately, although it wasn’t just the work, everything had seemed brighter, happier, lighter since she had confessed her love for Erin. Everyday that went by and Erin still loved her, felt like a mini miracle to Jamie.

They talked late into Wednesday night and both came to the conclusion that it was time to take the next step in their relationship. Erin asked Jamie if she would spend the night Saturday, to which Jamie’s soul leapt for joy, but she managed to keep her voice calm and agreed in a heartbeat. Having already switched with another driver to Friday so she could have Saturday free, Jamie began counting away the seconds. Her dreams that night were filled with visions of blonde loveliness.

"Jamie," said the voice standing beside her desk.

When no answer came the voice called out to her again with an accompanying shake of her shoulder.

"What?" Jamie broke from her reverie, confused.

"I called you twice Jamie. That must have been some daydream."

"Yeah. What do you need Bridgett?" Jamie still felt uncomfortable around her supervisor, since Bridgett had discovered the true relationship between Jamie and her sister.