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    1. Choose a country and make a timeline of the type of governments this country has had in the last five centuries, including rulers, important political figures, and events.

    2. Prepare a presentation about the government system of Russia. Present it to your partners in your next lesson.

    3. Choose any country with federate system and compare it with Russia. Prepare a presentation.

3. Case study

Problem solving

It's your turn to think like a philosopher. Imagine what life might be like in a state of nature. Think what your classroom might be like if there were no rules. Think what might happen if the teacher didn't have the right to tell anyone what to do.

W ork together in groups of about five to answer the following questions about such a situation. Then choose a person to explain your answers to the rest of the class. Then compare your answers with John Locke's which follow.

  • What might be the advantages and disadvantages of living in a state of nature?

  • What might happen to people's rights?

  • What might life be like for everyone?

Compare your list with John Locke's

You may have seen the same disadvantages in a state of nature that John Locke saw. Locke believed:

  1. The stronger and smarter people might try to take away other people's lives, liberty, or property.

  2. Weaker people might band together and take away the rights of the stronger and smarter people.

  3. People would be unprotected and insecure.

Different forms of government

1. Free speech

A. Introducing the Concept

1. Name as many different forms of government as you can and discuss why there are different forms of government.

2. Write the following terms on the chalkboard: direct democracy, representative democracy, republic, monarchy, oligarchy, and autocracy. Define each term and discuss the characteristics of each in a group.

B. Group Activity

1. Form six groups and work with your partners. Choose one of the terms listed on the chalkboard. Find at least one example of the form of government you have been chosen and research how well this government worked, why it failed or succeeded, and what its primary characteristics and achievements were. Present your findings to the class.

C. Questions for Review

1. Which systems of government have worked best and which systems have fared the worst?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each type of government?

3. Does a government have to be fair to be effective? Can an unfair form of government be acceptable for its citizens if it has strong, intelligent, and compassionate leadership?

4. Would you rather be prosperous under a restrictive government or poor under a government that allows a high level of personal liberty?

D. Extending the activity.

Compile a list of the best aspects of each form of government and combine them into a composite that lists all the best attributes in each category. Would this be a viable form of government? Would it work? Why or why not?

2. Governments can be classified in many ways. All governments belong to one of four major groups:

  • theocracy

  • autocracy

  • democracy

  • republic