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21. Never give up

It was nice to sense God’s presence in our lives. As we journeyed we recalled how in hardest situations God showed His care and love. Even more so, He focused not only on major things but on everything that concerned us, even when it might have seemed insignificant to other people.

Our first stop was Varazdinske Toplice, a spa and rehabilitation centre in western Croatia. In the meantime Joseph had had a number of operations on his left arm and his pelvic bones had been screwed. He was sent to this recovery centre until further steps could be taken.

Joseph met us in the restaurant. What a miracle. He was able to sit and walk on crutches. He looked much better, but still rather skinny. Our neighbour and a good friend of his was there to visit him. “It is the love and support of my family and friends that is giving me strength to look ahead and not to give up.” Joseph said with a big smile.

He kept the nursing staff very busy there. Every day they had to change his bed sheets. He continually exercised, anything he could move in a lying position he moved. When sitting he exercised, and even against the advice of his doctors he would walk without crutches when they were not there.

“What kind of a man are you?”, they would jokingly ask. “You don’t know what kind of a man I was before my accident. Even less so you know what kind of a man I want to be now,” was Joseph’s answer. Joseph was always focused on life; saw beauty and possibilities where other people couldn’t see any. His accident helped him to appreciate life even more. It gave him craving to do something special with his life rather than to make excuses.

This was so encouraging. I could see how content mum was as Joseph spoke about life and his future plans. And for all of that he gave credit to God for giving him a new lease on life that he wholeheartedly accepted.

Joseph always loved children. He paid attention to them and treated them with respect. It was no exception this time. Miriam and Natasha enjoyed the company of their uncle, and were happy to give him little presents of encouragement they were collecting for him. He was specially fond of their words, “Uncle you are our hero.”

Our journey continued. We took mum home, saw dad and where on our way to Branislav’s family. He just loves being home in Vojvodina. Taking the girls for tractor rides, showing them his fields and family orchard where he was helping as a child; taking them to some special spots in the village. Home-grown and deliciously prepared food was a temptation for all of us. Undivided attention of the family was the best treat we could ever get. We all needed this holiday indeed.

22. God’s children

Some of my close friends were from pastoral families. I was fully aware of the challenges they faced because of their fathers’ job and the negative consequences of being often moved around. Branislav’s and my prayer for our children was that our ministry would never be a draw back in their development but a blessing.

Miriam and Natasha were born in England. At the age of 4 ½ they started school in Northern Ireland, where Miriam finished 5 years and Natasha 2 years of primary school education. Moving to Germany was a tremendous change for them. The German education system was different and the girls had an additional challenge of learning German language before they could join regular classes. That meant that they would be a year if not two behind other children their age.

But God in His providence sends people on our life journey to help us. Our neighbour Brigitte, a German language teacher, was one of them. She took some of her free time to give Miriam additional help with the language and encouraged us to fight for Miriam to find her rightful place in the new system. Children Miriam’s age were selected that year for secondary school; this selection had a long lasting effect on their further education and made all the difference for their future profession.

Miriam spent 5 months in the language class, 2 ½ months in the third class and the rest of that school year in the fourth class. As she did not follow the testing system, she had to do a special intelligence test according to which she would be recommended for the appropriate secondary school. Miriam was always a diligent pupil and interested in academic work. So she herself wanted to go to ‘gymnasium’ to give her an opportunity for the highest academic development.

A week before the exam we were at a youth prayer meeting. When sharing our requests I asked the group to pray for Miriam’s exam. The young pastor who lead the meeting said an interesting prayer; “May your children, Lord, be ten times wiser than the children of this world.” This put smiles on our faces and gave us great confidence in God.

The day of the exam I drove Miriam to school and parked the car. “Miriam, I am going to stay in the car and pray for you the whole time until you come out. Have no fear for God will be with you. Just focus on what you need to do.” With these words and prayer I let Miriam go. Miriam came out running and smiling. “Mum, praise the Lord! The examiner and the principal of the school want to meet you and dad. The examiner said she had never met any child like me in her whole professional life, but she will tell you all about it.” The meeting was arranged. The examiner, with many years of experience was amazed how quickly Miriam learnt German to the highest level to her age ability and she had a logic of an adult. She could only recommend her to the best gymnasium in the area. Miriam was so happy but she pointed to me, “Mum don’t think I’m so clever. It is God who answered our prayers.”

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