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I can’t defend this case without telling the truth.

In case of changing your plans, please, inform us immediately.

f) of cause

In this syntactic function gerunds are preceded by the prepositions for, for fear of, owing to, because of, through:

For fear of making the same mistake again she avoided their company.

He was desperate because of the weather, of losing his way, of night coming so fast.

But I came to it at last through pursuing the rule I have just mentioned.

(A. Christie)

g) of concession

In this syntactic function gerunds denote some obstacles in spite of which the action of the finite form is carried out and are preceded by the preposition in spite of, despite:

In spite of being exhausted and hungry she went on walking along the crowded street.

Despite sending his applications regularly, he couldn’t get a job.

7. Parentheses

In this syntactic function the gerund is preceded by the conjunction as and the preposition for (as for):

As for giving you an answer, I’ll take my time.

The ways of translating gerunds into russian

There is no Gerund in the Russian language. Gerunds and gerundial phrases can be translated by nouns, infinitives, adverbial participles (деепричастия), adjectives, finite verbs, or subordinate clauses while gerundial complexes are usually translated by subordinate clauses.

- Gerunds translated by nouns:

Another five minutes of not knowing wouldn’t hurt him. (M. Grimes) – Еще пять минут неизвестности не причинят ему вреда.

It kept her, for a few moments, at least, from thinking about Maurice. (M. Grimes) – Это избавило ее, хотя бы на несколько мгновений, от мыслей о Морисе.

- Gerunds translated by infinitives:

Some would just go on. Like they go on wearing fur. (M. Grimes) – Некоторые все равно будут продолжать. Так же как они продолжают носить мех.

- Gerunds translated by participles:

Then she surprised him by saying, “You could go with us. Would you?” (M. Grimes) – Потом она удивила его, сказав «Вы могли бы поехать с нами. Поедете?»

Without looking back at him, she said. “I don’t know why you say that. Its as if you dont believe me.” (M. Grimes) – Не оборачиваясь, она сказала: «Я не знаю, почему вы так говорите. Это звучит так, как будто вы мне не доверяете.

- Gerunds translated by adjectives:

A training trackтренировочная дорожка, беговая дорожка;

A hunting knifeохотничий нож;

- Gerunds translated by finite verbs:

But Jury blamed himself for starting it so clumsily that she misunderstood (M. Grimes). – Но Джури винил себя за то, что начал так неуклюже, что она неправильно поняла его.

- Gerunds translated by subordinate clauses:

Jury could hardly keep from laughing at that way of putting it. (M. Grimes) – Джури едва не рассмеялся над тем, как она представила это.

- Gerundial complexes translated by subordinate clauses:

But I really can’t imagine you never racing again. (M. Grimes) – Но я, в самом деле, не могу представить, чтобы вы больше никогда не участвовали в скачках.

It could be a great deal else. It could be Maurice trying to show that he really was Danny Ryder’s son. (M. Grimes) – Это могло быть что угодно. Возможно, Морис пытался показать, что он был настоящим сыном Денни Райдера.