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2.2. Exercises 2.doc
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189 Mixed combinations used in a connected passage peg chapter 38

Fill the spaces in the following passage by inserting suitable combinations.

During Bill's last term at school, Mr White offered him a job in a hardware shop. It would be in the tool section,' he said, 'helping old Mr Hammer, and if you (1) ... ... (made good progress) you could (2) ..... (become responsible/or) the section when Mr Hammer retires.'

Mr White expected Bill to (3) .. ...at the offer (accept it eagerly) and was rather (4)... ..... (surprised and disappointed) when the boy looked doubtful.

'You needn't (5) ..... your mind (decide) at once,' he said. 'Mr Hammer can (6) ..... (continue/manage) without an assistant for another fortnight. But (7). . . it . . . (consider it) and let me know. Your school (8).... ..... (closes/or the holidays) this Friday, doesn't it?' Bill nodded. 'Well, if you decide to accept the job, (9). ..... (call at the shop) next weekend. I'll show you round and we'll (10). . . you ... '.(arrange this matter) with an insurance card.'

Bill's father urged him to accept. If you (11). . . it . . . (refuse it) you'll just be on the dole,' he said. It's no use (12). ..... (loitering) at home waiting for something better to (13) ..... (appear). Very few employers are (14). ..... (engaging) more men at present and a lot of places are (15). ..... (shutting permanently).'

So Bill took the job and soon (16)... ...in his new environment (became used to it). He (17) ... ... (learnt) to work quickly and when Mr Hammer retired and (18)... .

.... transferred) the tool section to him, he felt very proud of himself.

Unfortunately, after two years Mr White was transferred to a bigger branch and a new manager, Mr Black, was appointed. He and Bill didn't (19). . . . . . one another at all (neither liked the other). He began, tactlessly enough, by (20). . . Bill . . . and . . . (examining) and , saying, 'I don't (21)... ..... (like) the way you dress. If you want to (22) ... ..... (continue) working here you must smarten up. (23)... ... (get dressed in) a tie and (24) . . . ..... (remove) those rings. I don't approve of young men wearing rings.'

'Some of our customers wear them,' Bill (25). ..... (remarked). 'Don't (26) . . . me . . . (reply impudently)'.' snapped Mr Black. Soon afterwards. Bill and the manager (27). ..... (quarrelled) again.

'You spend too much time talking to customers,' Mr Black complained.

'But they like a chat,' said another assistant, trying to... ... ... (defend) Bill. 'People who want silent service go to supermarkets.'

'You (29). . . . . . of this (remain outside)'.' snarled Mr Black. If business doesn't (30)

. .. ..... (improve) you may both be ... ... (seeking) other jobs.'

'He (32). . . customers . . . (repels them) by his bad manner,' muttered Bill to his friends. 'But if profits (33). ..... (decrease) he'll ... ... (state falsely) that it's all our fault. Anyway I'm sick of being (35) . ..... (given too many orders) and I'm not going to (36). ........ it (endure it).'

Fortunately, before rebellion (37). ..... (started) in the tool department, Mr Black, who had (38)... ...for (applied for) a more important post, was told that he had got it. He became overnight a much happier man and tried to (39). ........ (compensate for) his previous harshness by being very polite to everyone, even Bill. The staff weren't (40) . .. ..... (deceived) by his sudden affability, but it made a nice change.

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