- •Политехнический колледж № 8 имени дважды Героя Советского Союза и.Ф. Павлова (гаоу спо пк № 8 им.И.Ф. Павлова)
- •3 Курс (6 семестр)
- •Sommer Gemusekonservett
- •47 Peterstras.Se, Bern, Switzerland
- •1042, Hayder Drive, Hamadan, Iran
- •Paradise fashion Business suits &accessories
- •XX Century Vehicle Car rental &repairing shops
- •Lannart Workshops
- •109 Oak Lane, Ottawa, Canada
- •Importers of Fashion Goods
- •173 Linstead Rd, Portsmouth, uk
- •Millennium Hotel Prices
- •Head Librarian
Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования города Москвы
Политехнический колледж № 8 имени дважды Героя Советского Союза и.Ф. Павлова (гаоу спо пк № 8 им.И.Ф. Павлова)

СОГЛАСОВАНО Протокол заседания ПЦК «Иностранные языки» от «___»__________201__г. №___ Председатель ПЦК ________________ А.И. Дербаремдикер |
УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по УР _____________Т.И. Дмитриева «____» ______________201__г. |
по дисциплине «Английский язык (профессиональный)»
для специальности 032002.51 «Документационное обеспечение
управления и архивоведения»
3 Курс (6 семестр)
Письменный перевод текста № 1.
J. Harrison
Supply Manager
Hubner& Marley
58 Avenue
New York
March 17
Dear Mr. Harrison,
In reply to your letter of 10 March we send you our latest catalogue. It features the complete range of our current lines. The models you are interested in are presented on pages 16 to 22.
Should you wish to obtain more details about any о these appliances, do not hesitate to contact us, either by phone or by returning the enclosed reply-card. We will not fail to provide full information as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Frederick Olivier,
Assistant Sales Manager
Письменный перевод текста № 2.
Modern Fabrics Co McKelly's Folk Clothings
17, King Square, 673 Straight Rd,
Adelaide Bentfort, Conn.,
Australia USA
We are pleased to inform you that the tweed skirts ordered in July (our indent No. 424 K) have arrived in perfect condition and on time. However we are still awaiting delivery of the tartan shawls for which the advice note was received 3 weeks ago.
Can you confirm that they were indeed dispatched? As you know we are waiting for these items to launch a number of all-wool clothing’s in Scottish style.
Truly yours,
Margaret Simpson,
Design Department
Письменный перевод текста № 3.
Response to enquiry
Dear Mr. Leeson
Thank you for your enquiry dated 15 April.
I am pleased to say that the accommodation you require is available for the 2 weeks commencing Saturday 10 August. We can offer you two adjacent twin-bedded rooms on the first floor, with a single room on the same floor conveniently located about 10 meters from the lift.
Early confirmation of this accommodation is necessary as bookings for August are always heavy and I should not wish you to be disappointed.
A brochure containing details of our charges is enclosed. We hope you will give us the opportunity to welcome your family to the Northcliffe. Yours sincerely.
Письменный перевод текста № 4.
Customer’s demand and response (Order)
Dear Sirs,
We have pleasure in sending you an order for sewing and knitting machines. We understand that successive deliveries will begin in July. The price you quoted was 150$ per item and if you are able to reduce the price, we might take a larger quantity. We enclose fulldetails concerning packing, marking and transportation, which must be strictly observed. The Irrevocable Letter of Credit will be opened in your favour by Fallow Bank after the receipt of your confirmation of the order and an advice that the first part of goods is ready for dispatch. However we would like to ask you to grant us more attractive terms regarding prices and confirm our readiness to do business with you. Yours faithfully.
Письменный перевод текста № 5.