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Unsteady Setup

Click OK in the Information dialog box that appears.

12.7. Unsteady Setup

In this section you will define the transient settings.

12.7.1. General Settings

1.Select Transient in the Physics ribbon tab (Solver group box, under Time).

Physics Solver Transient

2.Set the Operating Conditions.

Physics Solver Operating Conditions...

a.Enable Gravity.

b.Enter -9.81 for Y.

3.Click OK to confirm the operating conditions.

12.7.2. Compile the UDF

User-Defined User-Defined Functions Compiled...

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


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1.Click Add... to open the Select File dialog box.

2.Select property.c and click OK.

3.Click Build to build the library.

4.Click OK to close the Question dialog box that appears.


This UDF contains the mass of the pod and its and moments of inertia.

ANSYS Fluent sets up the directory structure and compiles the code. You can see the compilation in the console window.

5.Click Load to load the library.

12.7.3. Dynamic Mesh Settings

In this section you will specify the six degrees of freedom (Six DOF) and dynamic mesh settings.

Domain Mesh Models Dynamic Mesh...

1.Enable Dynamic Mesh.

2.Disable Smoothing.

3.Enable Six DOF.

4.Click Settings… to open the Options dialog box.

a.Enable Write Motion History.

b.Enter pod-motion for the File Name.

c.Click OK to confirm the settings.

5.Set up the moving zones.

a.Create the dynamic zone for the component

i.Click Create/Edit… in the Dynamic Mesh task page to open the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.

ii.Select component from the Zone Names drop-down list.

iii.Retain the selection of Rigid Body for Type.

iv.Retain the selection of On in the Six DOF group box.

v.Enable Passive in the Six DOF group box.

vi.Enter 7.6 for X and 18.5 for Y in the Center of Gravity Location group box.


Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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Unsteady Setup

vii. Click Create to create the dynamic zone for the component.


The UDF is automatically selected in the Six DOF UDF/Properties drop-down list. If there were additional UDFs loaded, then you would have to select the correct one.

b.Create the dynamic zone for the pod.

Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


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i.Select wall-pod from the Zone Names drop-down list.

ii.Retain the selection of Rigid Body for Type.

iii.Retain the selection of On and disable Passive in the Six DOF group box.

iv.Retain the values for Center of Gravity Location.

v.Click Create to create the dynamic zone for the pod.

vi.Close the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.


Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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