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h.Select Temperature and Static Temperature from the lower Color by drop-down list.

i.Click Display and close the Pathlines dialog box.

This will color the pathlines by the surface they are released from (Figure 3.16: Sphere Pathlines Colored by Static Temperature (p. 124)).

Figure 3.16: Sphere Pathlines Colored by Static Temperature


As an optional exercise, you can create solution animations for pathlines using the Animation Sequence dialog box.

Solution Calculation Activities Solution Animations Edit...

3.4.10. Creating a Scene With Vectors and Contours

Scenes allow you to display multiple graphics plots in single window. But first reset the Views... to exclude the mirror image about the chip symmetry plane

View Display Views...


Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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Setup and Solution

1.Click to deselect all surfaces from the Surfaces selection list.

2.Click Apply and close the Views dialog box.

Create a scene displaying contours and vector plots in single window. 1. Open the Scene dialog box.

Results Scene New...

2. Enable temperature_contour and velocity_vector.

Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


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3.Increase the transparency of temperature_contour using the Transparency slider.

4.Click Save & Display to create the scene and display it in the graphics window.

5.Drag the velocity vector colormap to the top of the graphics window and modify the orientation and zoom of the scene to match Figure 3.17: Temperature Contours and Velocity Vectors Scene (p. 126).

6.Figure 3.17: Temperature Contours and Velocity Vectors Scene


As an optional exercise, you can add a mesh graphics object to the scene as well, by selecting Mesh... from the New Object drop-down in the Scene dialog box. Once the mesh graphics object is saved/created, select it from the Graphics Objects list and click Save & Display in the Scene dialog box.

3.4.11. Advanced Overlay of Pathlines on a Scene

The advanced overlay capability, provided in the Scene Description dialog box, allows you to display more results on top of an existing display, including those not supported by the scene created in the previous section. You can demonstrate this capability by adding pathlines to the scene that you just plotted.

1.Enable the overlays feature.

View Graphics Compose...


Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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Setup and Solution

a.Enable Overlays in the Scene Composition group box.

b.Click Apply and close the Scene Description dialog box.

2.Add a plot of static pressure pathlines to the velocity vector and temperature scene.

Results Graphics Pathlines Edit...

a.Disable Draw Mesh under Options.

b.Click Display and close the Pathlines dialog box.

Release 2019 R1 - © ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.- Contains proprietary and confidential information


of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


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