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Emergency care of wounds

Cuts. If you sustain a small cut that bleeds only slightly, wash the cut thoroughly with mild soap and water. Apply a bandage to keep it clean. If the cut is more serious you must stop bleeding by applying pressure directly to the injury, using a sterilized gauze pad or clean cloth. Maintain pressure on the wound until the bleeding stops.

Stabs. A stab doesn’t usually result in excessive bleeding. Often little blood will flow and the wound will seem to close almost instantly. These features, however, do not mean that treatment is unnecessary. Stabs are dangerous because of the risk of infection. The object that caused the wound may carry spores of the tetanus or other bacteria. These can result in serious infections. If you sustain a stab, stop the bleeding, if necessary, by applying pressure with a sterilized gauze pad or clean cloth. Then seek emergency care for appropriate treatment to prevent tetanus or other infection.

Soft tissue injuries. These injuries may involve considerable bleeding. The skin is damaged, as are underlying tissues such as muscle, supporting structures, and blood vessels. Such injuries can occur when an area is struck and badly cut, when the skin is separated from the underlying tissues, or when areas of the skin are forcefully torn away. Soft tissue injuries require special treatment at the hospital or polyclinic.


There are some types of wounds. They are tears, cuts, stabs, contused wounds, and gunshot wounds.

Tears occur when the covering skin is pulled. The edges of the wound are irregular. Cuts are caused by action of sharp object. Stabs are caused by pointed objects. The wound edges are generally stuck together and do not gape. Contused wounds occur when a blunt force acts on the soft parts, with bones a short distance underneath. If the edges of the wound are close together, the wound heals by a process called primary union. If the edges are not close together or if there has been extensive loss of tissue, the process is called secondary union. In the primary union the wound fills with blood, and clots form. The surface of the clot dries to form a scab. It seals the wound and helps prevent infection. After a few days the epithelial cells from the edges meet, forming a single layer of cells over the wound. Then the clots are replaced by a connective tissue. Repair by secondary union is similar to healing by primary union, but there are some differences.




stomach ['stAmqk] шлунок

pancreas ['pxnkrIqs] підшлункова залоза

gallbladder ['gO:l"blxdq] жовчний міхур

propel [prq'pel] проштовхувати; рухати

digestive [dI'GestIv] травний, такий, що стосується травлення

digestion [dI'GesCqn] травлення, травлення їжи; засвоєння їжи

chew [Cu:] жувати, пережовувати

saliva [sq'laIvq] слина

pharynx ['fxrINks] глотка

esophagus [I:'sOfqgqs] стравохід

accessory [q'ksesqrI] допоміжний, додатковий

mucous ['mju:kqs] слизовий

mucus ['mju:kqs] слиз

dilate [daI'leIt] розширювати

reduce [rI'dju:s] перетворюватиж (тут) зменшувати

semi-liquid ['semI'lIkwId] напіврідкий

release [rI'lI:s] виділяти

duodenum ["dju:ou'dInqm] дванадцятипала кишка

jejunum [GI'Gu:nqm] порожня кишка

ileum ['IlIqm] клубова кишка

exist [Ig'zIst] існувати, бути

except [Ik'sept] виключаючи, окрім, за винятком

enzyme ['enzaIm] фермент

caecum (cecum) ['sI:kqm] сліпа кишка

colon ['koulqn] ободова кишка, товста кишка

rectum ['rektqm] пряма кишка

indigestive ["IndI'GestIv] неперетравлений

feces ['fI:sI:z] кал, фекалії, екскременти vermiform ['vq:mIfO:m] червоподібний appendix [q'pendIks] відросток, апендикс

ingest [In'Gest] поглинати, проковтнути, заковтнути

masticate ['mxstIkeIt] жувати, подрібнювати

digest [dI'Gest] перетравлювати

undigested ['AndI'GestId] неперетравлений

matter ['mxtq] річ, субстанція

propulsion [pre'pAlS(q)n] просування вперед, рух вперед; поступальний рух

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