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Теория перевода- семинары Фёдорова О.В..doc
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Особенности передачи некоторых имён и названий.

В ряде случаев имеет место отклонение от вышеизложенных принципов перевода имён и названий. В отношении написания многих исторических имён действует традиция. Например, имена королей: Charles 1 – Карл 1, James – Яков (Иаков), William – Вильгельм.

Существует ряд традиционных переводов географических названий:

Ivory Coast – Берег слоновой кости, Cape of Good Hope – Мыс Доброй надежды, New Orleans – Новый Орлеан, но New Hampshire – Нью Хемпшир.

В ряде географических названий сохраняется традиционная форма: Derby [´da׃bı] – Дерби, Texas [´teksəs] – Техас, Edinburgh [´edınbərə] – Эдинбург.

Названия мостов, как правило, переводятся: Tower Bridge – Тауэрский мост, Waterloo Bridge – Мост Ватерлоо. Названия зданий переводятся в исключительных случаях: White House – Белый Дом.

Названия газет и журналов транскрибируются, при этом при названиях научных журналов принято давать их перевод: «Chemical Abstracts» – «Кемикл Эбстрактс» (Химический реферативный журнал).

При переводе с английского иноязычные имена передаются в форме, которую они имеют на родине: Munich – Мюнхен, Leghorn – Ливорно, однако сохраняется и традиция в ряде случаев. Напр., Paris – Париж, но газета «Paris Soir» - «Пари Суар».

2. Подберите русские эквиваленты имён собственных.

1) Washington Irving; Edgar Poe; Dorothy Parker; James I; Langston Hughes; Charles III; Victor Hugo; DuPont; Nathaniel Hawthorne; William Parker; William IV; Mitchell Wilson; Woodrow Wilson.

2) Albany; New South Wales; Firth of Tay; Ivory Coast; New Orleans; New Hampshire; Utah; Wyoming; East Greenwich; Munich; West Rocky River; West Delaware River; Cornwall; Zurich; Cape Verde Islands.

3) Downing Street; Whitehall; Windsor Castle; Festival gardens; Fifth Avenue; Trafalgar Square; Charing Cross; Mansion house.

4) National Bank; Associated British Foods; Aluminium Company of Canada; Standard Oil of New Jersey; London; Midland and Scottish Railway; London Broadcasting Company; Warner Brothers; Independent television; Associated Press.

5) Financial Times; Labour Weekly; New York Herald Tribune; Wall Street Journal; Political Affairs; Paris Soir.

3. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания, обоснуйте выбор эквивалента.

1) Administrative efficiency, 2) arbitration, 3) affidavit, 4) Attorney-General, 5) balance of payments, 6) adverse trade balance, 7) to stuff the ballot, 8) casting vote, 9) close vote, 10) back-bencher, 11) to bail out, 12) election returns, 13) brinkmanship, 14) job bias, 15) political bias, 16) brain drain, 17) State of the Union message, 18) income tax, 19) frame-up, 20) career diplomat, 21) red baiting campaign, 22) break-through, 23) bread-line, 24) circumstantial evidence, 25) gerrymandering, 26) craft union, 27) open shop system, 28) brain washing, 29) non-contiguous States, 30) company checkers, 31) contempt of court, 32) crippling taxes, 33) polling date, 34) defendant, 35) color-blind, 36) conglomerate, 37) social work, 38) the Chief Executive, 39) hardware, 40) software.

4. Переведите, обращая внимание на семантику «ложных друзей переводчика».

1) The heavies blow that the atom bomb fanatics got, however, came with the dramatic announcement that the Russians also have got the bomb. 2) As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms large sections of the population come to realize the necessity of unity of action with the working class and become more active politically. 3) The Administration, of course, is loath to contemplate such fundamental change in its foreign policy. The stakes are too high and American bonds with Europe too numerous to permit such a dramatic situation. 4) The Prime Minister’s dramatic European move was timed to divert public attention from the more dismal news of the freeze. 5) There is a popular tendency, among most newsmen and radio and TV commentators, to portray Congressmen as men who are working themselves to death, sweating and suffering heart attacks to serve the people. 6) He seems to have excluded himself from the vice-presidential candidacy at a time when the public opinion polls report that he is more popular than both the President and the Vice-president. 7) The victory of the popular revolution in Cuba has become a splendid example for the peoples of Latin America. 8) The meeting expressed the hope that the remaining points of differences would be settled when the conference is resumed in Geneva. 9) This fact is recognition of the weight and power of public opinion, of its growing influence on international developments. 10) Generally speaking, says the Survey, developments last year were distinctly less encouraging than was expected.

5. Переведите, обращая внимание на значение неологизмов.

1) An important step, which will certainly influence the discussions, was the Soviet offer on the so-called “minimum deterrent” made by the Soviet Foreign Minister at the UN General Assembly. 2) In relation to the first task important new ground was broken by the Soviet “minimum deterrent” proposal. 3) These short-comings have been much in display over the plans for the so-called NATO multi-lateral force — the mixed-manned seaborne nuclear deterrent. 4) Another deterrent to independent action is money, and the average Congressman chooses the line of the least resistance. 5) Local officials who obstruct or refuse registration can also be severely punished (though jury trials are a somewhat flimsy deterrent in the south of the USA). 6) It is not only the Black Africans alone who see the arms question primarily in terms of the confrontation between white and black: the white supremacists of South Africa also do so. 7) From the very beginning the issue of jobs was central in the nation-wide confrontation of the Black Freedom Movement as was seen in the Great Washington March. 8) There was a dramatic confrontation between one of the dismissed lecturers and the Director. 9) Under the imminent threat of what came to be knows, according to the jargon of the day, as a “confrontation” between the two super-powers, the other delegations thrashed about frantically searching for a compromise formula. 10) To all intents and purposes there was no confrontation. There was, he said, “full agreement among the contestants”.

6. Обратите внимание на значение интернациональных слов, переведите примеры.

    1. extravagant (adj) – 1 spending much more than is necessary or prudent; wasteful; 2 excessively high (of prices): We mustn’t buy roses — it is too extravagant in winter.

    2. catholic (adj) – esp. likings and interests – general, wide-spread, broad-minded, liberal, including many or most things: Mr. Prowler was a politician with catholic tastes and interests.

    3. dramatic (adj) – 1 sudden or exciting; 2 catching and holding the imagination by unusual appearance or effects: How would you account for such dramatic changes in the situation?

    4. minister (n) – 1 Christian priest or clergyman; 2 a person representing his Government but of lower rank than an ambassador: The British minister at Washington was requested to notify his Government of a possible change in the agenda of the forthcoming meeting.

    5. routine (n) – the regular, fixed, ordinary way of working or doing things: Frequent inspections were a matter of routine in the office.

    6. pathetic (adj) – 1 sad, pitiful; exciting pity or sympathetic sadness; affecting or moving the feeling; 2 worthless, hopelessly unsuccessful: Perhaps it was merely that this pathetic look of hers ceased to wring his heart-strings.

    7. pilot (n) – 1 a person qualified to steer ships through certain difficult waters or into or out of a harbour; 2 a guide or leader: Before entering on his literary career Mark Twain was employed as pilot on vessels going up and down the Mississippi river.

    8. student (n) – (of smth) a person with a stated interest; anyone who is devoted to the acquisition of knowledge: The recently published work of the world-known ornithologist will be interesting to any student of bird-life.

7. Найдите в словаре значения приведённых английских и русских слов, укажите, в каких из них они различаются.

1) actual \ актуальный; 2) appellation \ апелляция; 3) aspirant \ аспирант; 4) balloon \ баллон; 5) baton \ батон; 6) billet \ билет; 7) composer \ композитор; 8) concern \ концерн; 9) depot \ депо; 10) direction \ дирекция; 11) fabric \ фабрика; 12) genial \ гениальный; 13) intelligence \ интеллигенция; 14) motion \ моцион; 15) motorist \ моторист; 16) obligation \ облигация; 17) physique \ физик; 18) probe \ проба; 19) protection \ протекция; 20) pathos \ пафос.

Семинар 4. Особенности перевода некоторых групп лексики.

  1. Перевод слов эмоционального значения.

  2. Перевод адвербиальных глаголов.

  3. Перевод синонимов и антонимов.

  4. Словообразовательные аспекты перевода.

Вопросы для самоконтроля.

  1. Какими признаками характеризуются слова эмоционального значения?

  2. С какими трудностями сталкивается переводчик при переводе этих слов?

  3. В чём особенности и каковы разновидности адвербиальных глаголов?

  4. Дайте определение синонимам и укажите по каким признакам они могут выделяться.

  5. Какие способы словообразования вам известны? В чём их особенности?


1. Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

1) Of course this is not the result of psychological changes among the rulers of the three Powers concerned, nor is diplomacy the biggest factor which brought about the treaty. 2) The main reasons for the uncertainty are clear enough. The separation of powers means that president and Congress are elected separately. The federal structure of the huge country means that between presidential elections the local party organizations more or less go their own way. 3) The balance of power in Europe, maintained for many years, had been shattered in six weeks. 4) The Labour Party is on record as saying that if any industry is failing the nation or its workers, then the Labour Government will take steps to bring it under public control. 5) That candidate’s record shows what can be expected from him: a red-baiter, character assassin and a labour-hater. 6) If any new pattern emerged to replace the old it was that younger men tended to defeat older men and new faces to defeat familiar ones. 7) Political fact Number one to most candidates is that it takes money to run for office — great gobs of it. To get this money, the legislator must go to people who have some extra cash. 8) In the field of industry special emphasis has been placed on the heavy industries, such as coal, steel and cement, but consumer goods facilities such as sugar refineries and textile plants have also received attention. 9) That the black community in the USA is in the throes of profound economic crisis is evident from the unemployed figures.

Семинар 5. Перевод устойчивых сочетаний и фразеологических единиц.

  1. Определение фразеологических единиц и их классификация.

  2. Приёмы перевода образной фразеологии.

  3. Компоненты значения фразеологических единиц. Выбор варианта перевода в зависимости от характера фразеологической единицы.

  4. Перевод необразных устойчивых сочетаний.

  5. Обновление устойчивых сочетаний и фразеологических единиц и передача этого приёма в переводе.

Вопросы для самоконтроля.

  1. Что вы понимаете под понятием «фразеологизм»?

  2. Какую классификацию фразеологических единиц предлагает В.В. Виноградов?

  3. Какие приёмы используют для перевода образной фразеологии?

  4. В чём сложность перевода национально-окрашенных фразеологических единиц?

  5. Какие трудности возникают при переводе необразных фразеологических единиц?

  6. Чем обусловлены трудности перевода приёма обновления устойчивых сочетаний и фразеологических единиц?

  7. Какими способами осуществляется обновление устойчивых сочетаний?


  1. Подберите русский эквивалент, укажите семантические компоненты, совпадающие и различающиеся в их значениях.

1) to mark time; 2) to play second fiddle; 3) to hide behind smb’s back; 4) to be in the same boat; 5) to be cut of the same cloth; 6) to sit on the fence; 7) to draw in one’s horns; 8) to spread like wildfire; 9) to win with a small margin; 10) to make no bones about smth; 11) to play into smb’s hands; 12) to show one’s true colors; 13) to twist the lion’s tail; 14) to send smb to Coventry; 15) to have some strings attached; 16) to turn back the clock; 17) to throw cards on the table; 18) to put one’s weight behind smth; 19) to sell smth lock, stock and barrel; 20) to swallow smth hook, line and sinker.

  1. Приведите русский эквивалент пословиц и укажите способ перевода.

1) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2) A burnt child dreads the fire. 3) A rolling stone gathers no moss. 4) Necessity is the mother of invention. 5) Rome was not built in a day. 6) Small rain lays great dust. 7) Enough is as good as a feast. 8) A miss is as good as a mile. 9) It is a good horse that never stumbles. 10) It is a long lane that has no turning.

  1. Укажите способ перевода идиом.

1) The fish begins to stink at the head. 2) When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 3) to have money to burn; 4) to give smb the cold shoulder; 5) to set the Thames on fire; 6) to give away the show; 7) to ask for the moon; 8) to be at the end of one’s rope; 9) to bet on the wrong horse; 10) A new broom sweeps clean; 11) a fly in the ointment; 12) good riddance to bad rubbish; 13) with fire and sword; 14) You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

  1. Переведите предложения и укажите способ перевода.

1) British bourgeois periodicals prefer to give a wide berth to the delicate question of American military bases. 2) Numerous examples of violence against workers give the lie to the assertion of the reactionary union bosses that there is no class struggle in the United States. 3) The British economy is not out of the wood yet. 4) The manager was passing the time of the day with one of his secretaries. 5) Trying to make him change his mind is just beating your head against the wall. 6) If he has spoken publicly about the truth he would have gotten the axe one way or another. 7) She gave her father a hug, and got into a cab with him, having as many fish to fry with him as he with her. 8) Students get it in the neck when they lose library books. 9) “Oh, tell us about her, Auntie” cried Imogen; “I can just remember her. She’s the skeleton in the family cupboard, isn’t she? And they are such fun”.

Семинар 6. Грамматические проблемы перевода.

  1. Понятие грамматической трансформации, причины её использования в переводе.

  2. Виды грамматических трансформаций:

  • перестановки;

  • замены;

  • добавления;

  • опущения.

  1. Перевод эквивалентных форм и структур.

  2. Перевод безэквивалентных форм и структур.