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Food and housing

You will receive their best accommodations and food. It is true that the cafeteria food is like most cafeteria food, but it’s not that bad. There are also some “corner stores” near the dormitory if you want a snack (but not like our convenience stores). The rooms are equipped with a little kitchen as well, if you want to cook. Dorm life may be noisy and crowded if you are not used to it, and your hosts may not understand if you simply want to be alone. Be sure to have toilet paper with you at all times because public restrooms have none, and not only you but someone else might need it. Be prepared for water shut-offs on the weekends (translation – fill the bathtub or a bucket with water so that you can flush the toilet).

Text # 15

Сопоставьте американскую ценность, выявленную из нижеследующего отрывка, с предыдущей. Как они перекликаются?


When Tolstoy walked through the door, he beelined to the seat directly across from me, even though the café was empty. If that had happened in America, I would have assumed he was a pervert, gathered my things, and left. Russians, however, are a social bunch who tend to equate aloneness with loneliness. People often assumed that if I was sitting solo, I wanted company.

Source: S.A. Griest. Around the Block. My Life in Moscow, Beijing, and Havana. New York: Villard, 2004. – P. 94

Text # 16

На основе анализа текста выделите ценности аманитов (Amish) и меннонитов (Mennonite), двух религиозных субкультур, и заполните таблицу, прилагаемую ниже. Сопоставьте выделенные ценности со своими и прокомментируйте их в контексте рассматриваемых культур.

Why are they against education?

There are two distinct traditions concerning education among the various Amish and Mennonite groups in North America. The majority favor higher education as a good and helpful experience for young people. The minority, including most of the old order groups, question whether high school and college lead to greater wisdom and Christian obedience.

Why reject progressive education?

The Old Order Amish are not against education and learning as such. Learning from others is an important value. It is the particular version of education offered by America’s consolidated public high schools which especially troubles parents.

An Amish teenager and an average American teenager would probably know about the same number of facts (the Amish child knows less about science, technology, and the arts, but more about soil, animal and plant care, and basic skills like carpentry, masonry and food preservation). In addition the Amish child is bilingual, has an enormous sense of security, and has learned to foster values as a way of life.

The one-room school

Old Order Amish and conservative Mennonite parents want their children to learn basics such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. When these were offered in a local one-room school with a minimum of worldly influences, parents cooperated with the public system. But when schools were consolidated, minimum age requirements raised, and “worldly” courses such as athletics required, these groups developed a strong parochial system of one-room schools.

School for the Old Order groups is only a part of the leaning necessary for preparation for the adult world. Work is educational and enjoyable. If a strong agriculture-based community of faith is precious, the schools should reinforce the values basic to that community. …

Many Mennonites promote education

There are dozens of elementary schools, more than 20 high schools, eleven colleges, and three seminaries sponsored directly or indirectly by Mennonite groups in North America.

The majority of Mennonites and some of more “progressive” Amish groups believe education, either public or private, is a wholesome preparation for life. These private schools generally maintain a high educational standard. They are attended by fewer than half of the people, but are supported financially by most members as a worthwhile alternative to the secular school.

Higher education became a vocational necessity as Mennonites left the farm. (The Old Order groups, however, would argue that this trend can be halted by restricting formal education.) Missions and service also gave rise to the need for higher education.


All of these groups believe, as the Bible states, that wisdom and understanding are more important than knowledge and facts. Learning becomes a way of life and leads to respect for all peoples.

From: Good M. and Good Ph. 20 Most Asked Questions about the Amish and Mennonites. People’s Place Book # 1. – Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1995. – 95 p.

Values of Old Order Mennonites and Amish

My values

Commentaries in the context of Amish and Mennonites cultures

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