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  1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb. Translate the sentences into your language.

  1. I wish I (know) Spanish and some other languages.

  2. I wish I (not/drink) so much coffee in the evening: I didn`t manage to sleep half the night.

  3. I wish you (read) more in future, it`ll help you in your studying.

  4. He wishes he (never/suggest) that idea.

  5. I wish I (be) at yesterday`s party.

  6. I wish we (meet) again next summer.

  7. They wished they (not/see) this horrible scene again.

  8. I love sunny weather very much. I wish it (be) warm and fine all the year round.

  9. I wish I (not/give) Nick my watch: he`s broken it.

  10. I wish you (go) skating with me last week: I had such a good time!

  1. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Henry talks to his dog as if it (understand) him.

  2. If they (leave) the house earlier, they (not/be) so late getting to the airport that they couldn`t check their baggage.

  3. If I finish the dress before Sunday, I (give) it to my sister for her birthday.

  4. If I (see) the movie, I (tell) you about it last night.

  5. Had he not interfered in his sister`s marital problems, there (be) peace between them.

  6. She would give you the money if she (have) it.

  7. I wish they (stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate.

  8. She`d call you immediately if she (need) help.

  9. Had they arrived at the sale early, they (find) a better selection.

  10. We hope that you (enjoy) the party last week.

  11. If you (have) enough time, please, (wash) the dishes.

  12. We could go for a drive if today (be) Sunday.

  13. If she wins the prize, it`ll be because she (write) well.

  14. Mike wished that the editors (permit) him to copy some of material. In this case he could write a good report.

  15. Joel wishes he (spend) his holiday in France next year.

  16. I (accept) if they invite me to the party.

  17. If your mother (buy) that car for you, will you be glad?

  18. If he (decide) earlier, he (leave) on the afternoon flight.

  19. Had we known your address, we (write) you a letter.

  20. If the roofer (not/come) soon, the rain (leak) inside.

X. Choose the correct variant.

  • Have you heard about the pop festival?

  • Yes, (it`s/it`ll be) good if Micromoon are playing. They`re a great band.

  • Will you be able to go, Dave?

  • If (I ask/I`ll ask) my boss, he (gives/will give) me some time off work, I expect.

  • How are we going to get there?

  • Well, if enough people (are going/will go), we can hire a minibus.

  • I won`t be going if (it`s/it`ll be) too expensive.

  • It (isn`t/won`t be) expensive if we all (share/will share0 the cost.

  • If (I see/I`ll see) the others later on tonight, (I ask/I`ll ask) if they (go/will go).

XI. Read the text and then make as many sentences as you can using


The `Titanic` was a British luxury passenger liner which sank during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 1912. On 14th April, the `Titanic` hit an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. Distress signals were sent to the `Californian`, a ship 20 miles away, but their radio operator was off duty and the signals were not received. Some of the passengers got into lifeboats, but, although the `Titanic` was luxurious, it did not have enough lifeboats for all the passengers on board. As a result, the loss of life was great. Many people died because the sea was very cold. Luckily, another ship, the `Carpathia`, rescued some of passengers. As a result of this disaster, new rules were made to ensure that sea voyages would be safer in future. It is now believed that the `Titanic` sank so quickly because it was too large.

1. If the ship had not hit an iceberg ________________________________________

2. If the `Californian`s` radio operator had been on duty _______________________


3. __________________________________________________________________


4. __________________________________________________________________


5. __________________________________________________________________


  1. __________________________________________________________________


  1. __________________________________________________________________


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