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Завершив работу над материалом уроков 36 - 38 по грамматической теме «Инфинитив», выполните следующие задания. Проверьте правильность их вы­полнения по ключу.

Задание 1. Назовите номера предложений, в ко­торых форма инфинитива (выделенная курсивом) выполняет роль обстоятельства цели и на русский язык переводится союзом для того чтобы.

1. То exploit new sources of energy is the most ur­gent problem of today. 2. To solve this problem the re­searchers have been working hard for years. 3. To ex­ploit the whole of the Sun's energy is one of the re­searchers' long term aims. 4. To do it as quickly as pos­sible we are to increase scientific efficiency. 5. To in­crease scientific efficiency is to raise the productivity of our industry. 6. To improve our citizens' working and living conditions our government pays much attention to all of these problems. 7. For these problems to be car­ried out successfully we are to work hard. 8. Much is to be done in this field for this key problem to be solved successfully.

Задание 2. Назовите номера предложений, в ко­торых форма инфинитива выполняет роль опреде­ления и переводится на русский язык определи­тельным придаточным предложением, начинаю­щимся союзом который.

1. This is the key problem to be solved immediately. 2. For this key problem to be solved immediately much is to be done. 3. We are to solve this key problem im­mediately. 4. These are the main sources of energy to be exploited. 5. The main sources of energy to be ex­ploited in future are the energy of the Sun and nuclear energy. 6. For energy of the Sun to be exploited to the full the researchers are developing new techniques.

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